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AIPS++ change log reporting utility.


alog [-archive]
[-file=file | -f file]
[-master | -m]
[-package=package | -p package]
options for
[file1 [file2 ...]]


alog prints change log messages for AIPS++ source files. It is a front-end to the RCS rlog command.

If any files are specified then alog simply runs rlog on them filtering the output to remove RCS-specific information. The filenames may be specified via a relative or absolute pathname, with or without the RCS ,v suffix.

If no files are specified on the command line, alog executes rlog for all AIPS++ sources, or for all sources within a particular AIPS++ (see §1.1.1) package as specified by the -package option. In this instance, apart from filtering the output of rlog to remove RCS-specific information, alog also removes all references to files for which no revisions were selected. It thus produces a concise, formatted change log.

alog normally consults the RCS repository pointed to by the $AIPSROOT/rcs symbolic link, but can optionally be made to consult the master or archive if it is available (see §1.1.4).


The long form POSIX style options are provided to help differentiate options intended for alog from those it passes to rlog.

Consult the archived RCS files. These include all RCS revisions up to the base release of the current major version. This option can only be used in Socorro.

-file=file | -f file
The specified file, if it exists, contains a timestamp in adate (p[*]) format which alog converts to a -d option for rlog. The timestamp is then updated. This is useful for generating incremental change logs.

Include rescinded files in the report (these only exist in the archive and master RCS repositories).

List all files, the default behaviour is for alog to filter out files without revisions unless the -R, -h, or -t rlog options are specified.

-master | -m
Consult the master RCS files. The AIPS++ master and slave RCS files contain only the current and preceeding major versions. The slave is typically a day to a week behind the master. This option should only be used in Socorro.

-package=package | -p package
Produce a report for the specified AIPS++ package only.

Don't add a separate header for each package.

Other options are passed directly to rlog without verification, check the manual page for rlog for an explanation. In particular, the -d option may be used to specify a range of dates, and -w to specify a list of users.



Status return values
0: success
1: initialization error


The following cron job is executed weekly on the AIPS++ master and the result e-mailed to interested parties:

   # Report files currently checked out.
   00 21 * * 0 (. $HOME/.profile ; alog -m -L -t) 2>&1 | \
      mail -s "AIPS++ sources currently checked out" aips2-workers

The -L and -t options are recognized by rlog; -L causes it to ignore RCS files which have no locks set, and -t causes it to print the header information and descriptive text only (that is, basically everything except the change log entries). Much of the header information is then discarded by alog.

See also

The unix manual page for cron(1).
The manual page for rlog(1), the RCS log command.
AIPS++ variable names (§1.2).
AIPS++ code management configuration (§1.1.4).
adate (p[*]), AIPS++ time reporting utility.
mktree (p[*]), create AIPS++ directory hierarchy.


Original: 1993/01/22 by Mark Calabretta, ATNF.

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