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Query the AIPS++ resource database.


getrc [-i] [-v] keyword


getrc fetches keyword values from the aipsrc (p[*]) databases. The mechanism has some similarities with that of the .Xdefaults database in X-windows. getrc searches a set of aipsrc databases (listed below) in sequence to find a match for the keyword specified on the command line.


Ignore the user's  /.aipsrc file. This is useful to obtain keyword values over which the user is not allowed to have control.

Verbose mode. getrc reports on stderr the name of the file in which it matched the keyword, and also the matching entry. Primarily used for debugging.


All AIPS++ resources are within the scope of getrc.


getrc returns 0 on success with the value on stdout. Otherwise, it returns a message on stderr with a non-zero status as follows

Status return values
0: success
1: usage error
2: $AIPSPATH not defined
3: $HOME not defined
4: invalid regular expression
5: pattern not matched


To get the default printer (Bourne shell):

   PRI=`getrc printer.default 2> /dev/null`

To see where the default printer definition was found:

   grus% getrc -v printer.default
   Line matched in file /aips++/sun4/epping/grus/aipsrc was
   printer*default:                sw_hutt


The following aipsrc files are consulted in sequence, except that  /.aipsrc is ignored if the -i option is specified.


It is not an error for any of these files to be absent or empty. Refer to the entry for aipsrc (p[*]) for an explanation of how the aipsrc files are used.

See also

AIPS++ variable names (§1.2).
aipsrc (p[*]), AIPS++ resource database.
affirm (p[*]), get the Boolean value of a set of arguments.


Original: 1992/03/05 by Mark Calabretta, ATNF.

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