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AIPS++ .login file.


source .login


The .login file which resides in $AIPSROOT is installed there as part of the AIPS++ system to provide a minimal interactive environment in C-like shells (csh, tcsh) for the AIPS++ manager (assuming that one of these is the default login shell).

If inhale (p[*]) is being run to keep the AIPS++ installation in step with the master then any changes made to this file would be overwritten whenever the system master was modified. Additional definitions or redefinitions may instead be made in a separate .login_local file which is invoked by .login (p[*]) as its last operation before invoking aipsinit.csh (p[*]).

If .login_local is present it must define the PATH and MANPATH environment variables, but must not invoke aipsinit (p[*]). If .login_local is not present .login will supply reasonable but probably inadequate defaults for PATH and MANPATH.

The commands contained in .login are executed after .cshrc upon login (or if the C-shell is invoked via a name beginning with "-"). They usually consist of terminal setup commands and environment variable definitions which are automatically inherited by every subprocess.

Definitions of aliases and C-shell variables are not inherited by subprocesses and so are usually made in .cshrc which is invoked by every shell (although certain important shell variables argv, cwd, home, path, prompt, shell, status, term, and user are automatically propagated to each subprocess).

Remote shells such as are activated by rsh do not read the .login file (assuming that csh or tcsh is the default shell). If the .login file needs to be invoked automatically in such cases the following line should be added to the .cshrc_local file

   if (! $?term) source $AIPSROOT/.login

Note, however, that the .rshexec (p[*]) command should normally be used for remote execution.

The C-shell startup files are read in the following order:


See also

AIPS++ variable names (§1.2).
aipsinit (p[*]), AIPS++ initialization procedure.
.cshrc (p[*]), aips2mgr's .cshrc file.
.profile (p[*]), aips2mgr's .profile file.
.rshexec (p[*]), AIPS++ remote execution utility.


Original: 1992/05/01 by Mark Calabretta, ATNF.

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