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lwf_a [-1] [-b] [-c#] [-d#] [-ffont] [-g#] [-i#] [-l] [-nfile] [-olist] [-p#] [-r] [-s#] [-t#] [-u] [-x] [file1 [file2 ...]]


lwf_a is a POSTSCRIPT filter. It can process multiple input files into a single multi-document POSTSCRIPT file. If no files are specified input is read from stdin.

lwf_a correctly processes form feed characters and tabs and also understands backspacing. If a fixed-width font is used, such as one of those in the Courier family, then backspaces followed by underscores may be used for underlining.

lwf_a can also display 7-bit and 8-bit ASCII control codes as described by the -d option below.


Print in single-sided mode; the default is to print in two-sided (duplex) mode if the printer supports it.

Normally a header is written at the top of each page. The -b flag prevents this and instead produces a separate banner page.

Specifies multicolumn output. The page is divided into the specified number of equally spaced columns without regard to whether the text fits within them. The default is 1.

Display ASCII control codes (ASCII 00-1f, 7f-ff):

Modes 1, 2, and 3 are suitable for printing text files which may contain a few control codes, for example a .cshrc file which sets variables containing terminal escape sequences. Modes 2 and 3 might be useful for debugging makefiles since horizontal tabs in these have a special significance. Modes 4 and 5 are suitable for dumping binary files. Mode 4 might be used for examining the ASCII character strings contined in an object module, while mode 5 might be used for dumping a data file.

The two-character mnemonics are printed at half size.

ASCII control codes are listed below.

Set the font type, the default is Courier. Courier, Helvetica, and Times are POSTSCRIPT standards; the following fonts are supported by most POSTSCRIPT printers:

   AGB    AvantGarde-Book
   AGBO   AvantGarde-BookOblique
   AGD    AvantGarde-Demi
   AGDO   AvantGarde-DemiOblique
   BD     Bookman-Demi
   BDI    Bookman-DemiItalic
   BL     Bookman-Light
   BLI    Bookman-LightItalic
   C      Courier
   CO     Courier-Oblique
   CB     Courier-Bold
   CBO    Courier-BoldOblique
   H      Helvetica
   HB     Helvetica-Bold
   HO     Helvetica-Oblique
   HBO    Helvetica-BoldOblique
   HN     Helvetica-Narrow
   HNB    Helvetica-Narrow-Bold
   HNO    Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique
   HNBO   Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique
   NCSR   NewCenturySchlbk-Roman
   NCSB   NewCenturySchlbk-Bold
   NCSI   NewCenturySchlbk-Italic
   NCSBI  NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic
   PR     Palatino-Roman
   PB     Palatino-Bold
   PI     Palatino-Italic
   PBI    Palatino-BoldItalic
   TR     Times-Roman
   TB     Times-Bold
   TI     Times-Italic
   TBI    Times-BoldItalic
   ZCMI   ZapfChancery-MediumItalic

The full font name (exactly as specified above) or the abbreviation given on the left may be used.

Group lines of text in multiples, as specified, by printing grey bands in the background. The default is not to produce banding.

The distance in centimetres to indent all text from the left-hand edge of the page instead of the default 1cm.

Use landscape format instead of the default portrait format. The default font type, font size, and indentation allow 80 characters in portrait, and 132 in landscape format.

Use file as the file name in the page header.

Only pages whose page numbers appear in the comma separated list of numbers and ranges will be printed. A range M:N means pages M through N inclusive. An initial :N means from the beginning to page N, and a final M: means from M to the end. The default, ``:'', is to print all pages.

Formfeeds are inserted to maintain the correct parity when printing in duplex mode (see the -x option).

Set the paper type. The default is A4 and recognized values are

     name          point        inch           cm
    A3          (842 x 1190)              29.7  x 42.0
    A4          (595 x  842)              21.0  x 29.7
    A5          (420 x  595)              14.82 x 21.0
    B4          (729 x 1032)              25.72 x 36.41
    B5          (516 x  729)              18.20 x 25.72
    statement   (396 x  612)  5.5 x 8.5  (13.97 x 21.59)
    executive   (540 x  720)  7.5 x 10   (19.05 x 25.40)
    quarto      (610 x  780)             (21.52 x 27.52)
    letter      (612 x  792)  8.5 x 11   (21.59 x 27.94)
    folio       (612 x  936)  8.5 x 13   (21.59 x 33.02)
    legal       (612 x 1008)  8.5 x 14   (21.59 x 35.56)
    10x14       (720 x 1008)  10  x 14   (25.40 x 35.56)
    tabloid     (792 x 1224)  11  x 17   (27.94 x 43.18)
    ledger     (1224 x  792)  17  x 11   (43.18 x 27.94)

In addition, A4/letter is recognized as being the width of A4 and height of letter size paper.

Reverse the page order and file sequence. This may be useful for printers like the Apple LaserWriter which delivers pages face up, but is not appropriate for those which deliver them face down.

Set the font size, in points. The default is 10 and legal values lie in the range from 5 to 1000.

Set the line spacing. The default is 1.0 (single space) and legal values lie in the range from 1.0 to 3.0 (fractional values are allowed).

Invert text on the reverse side of the page when printing in duplex mode. This may be used when the pages are to be bound on the upper edge of the paper (as defined by the orientation of the text on the front side).

Exchange parity when printing in duplex mode so that the odd numbered pages are printed on the reverse side of the paper.



The command

   lwf_a -s12 -i2.5 file1

would convert file1 to POSTSCRIPT, indented 2.5cm, and in 12pt Courier font.

The command

   lwf_a -b -c2 -fPR -s6 foo.f

would convert foo.f to POSTSCRIPT in two column form using a 6pt Palatino font. A separate banner page would be printed.

The command

   man lwf_a | lwf_a

would convert the manual page for lwf_a to POSTSCRIPT.


If you find any bugs please report them to

See also

The unix manual page for lpr(1).
pri (p[*]), print ASCII or POSTSCRIPT files.


Barry Brachman wrote the original version called lwf.
Extensively modified by Mark Calabretta, 1989/May - 1994.

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