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Print AIPS++ class implementation files.


pra [-l] [-P printer] [class1 [class2 ...]]


pra prints checked-in AIPS++ class files in a compact form with the header file followed by the class implementation file.

Unless the -l option is specified, pra only prints checked-in code in the $AIPSROOT directories, any code in the user's own workspace is ignored.

If no AIPS++ classes are specified, all classes in the current directory will be printed.

If no printer is specified via the -P option, the printer is that returned by the prd (p[*]) command.


Print programmer class files from the current directory if they exist.

Printer to use instead of the default (see prd (p[*])).


The command

   cd ~/aips++/code/aips/implement/Tables
   pra Table

would print Table.h, and in two-column landscape format.

See also

AIPS++ variable names (§1.2).
lwfa (p[*]), POSTSCRIPT filter.
prd (p[*]), report the default printer.
pri (p[*]), print ASCII or POSTSCRIPT files.
prm (p[*]), delete entries from the printer queue.
prq (p[*]), list contents of the default printer queue.


Original: 1992/03/04 by Mark Calabretta, ATNF.

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