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Report the age of a file or directory.


tract [-a|-c|-m] [-q#] [-s] <file|directory>


tract reports the age of a file or directory; by default it reports the time in seconds since the file or directory was last modified. In query mode it can be used to determine if a file or directory is older than a specified number of seconds.


Report time since last access.

Report time since last status change.

Report time since last modification (default).

Return a successful exit status if the file is older than the specified number of seconds. Nothing is reported on stdout.

Report the time in sexagesimal (h:m:s) format (default is seconds).


Status return values
-1: In query mode, the file is younger than the specified timespan.
0: Success.
1: Usage error.
2: File access error.


The following reports the elapsed time in h:m:s format since tract was installed:

   tract -s `which tract`

See also

The unix manual page for find(1).


Original: 1995/02/21 by Mark Calabretta, ATNF

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