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Verify the internal consistency of RCS version files.


xrcs [-q] [file(s) | directory]


xrcs exercises RCS version files. If a list of files is specified then xrcs will verify each; if a directory then all RCS version files in it and in all subdirectories will be verified. Files and directories may not be mixed.

File names may be specified without the ,v suffix and without an RCS subdirectory specification. If <file> is the filename the search order is:


xrcs verifies each version file simply by checking out the lowest revision. Since this requires co to reconstruct every revision (on the trunk) it can only succeed if the whole version file is synactically correct.

If no file or directory is specified then $AIPSROOT/slave is assumed.


Quiet mode, if a list of files was specified then don't report a successful verification. If a directory was specified, don't report the name and revision of each file in a directory as it is processed. A summary of any bad files found is always produced.



Status return values
0: success
1: initialization error
2: a bad RCS version file was found


To verify the RCS version file for xrcs itself:

   cd ~/aips++/code/install/codemgmt
   xrcs xrcs

To verify the AIPS++ slave repository in its entirety:


See also

The unix manual page for co(1).
The unix manual page for rcs(1).
AIPS++ variable names (§1.2).
exhale (p[*]), AIPS++ code export utility.


Original: 1994/08/10 by Mark Calabretta, ATNF.

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