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External Developer's Release

Note: The developer's release is being redone as a set of RPM's. Yo...}

This section describes how to create an installation for external developers, i.e. developers who are not AIPS++ onsortium members. This sort of AIPS++ installation differs from the regular consortium installation in that:

It is intended as a stand-alone installation which allows developers to keep the installation in sync with the master repositories, but does not allow checking code into the system.
It is easy to configure.
It is made available for the most common architectures. Though currently it is only available for linux.
The developers installation operates by using CVSup to both bootstrap the installation and keep the documentation, RCS source code repository, and data repository in sync with the master repositories at the AIPS++ center.

Getting Started

The first step to installing the AIPS++ external developer's release is to install the required software upon which AIPS++ depends. This includes CVSup, RPFITS, CFITSIO, and PGPLOT. AIPS++ distributes RPMs RPMs built upon various releases of RedHat Linux which greatly simplify the installation of these packages for Linux systems which use RPM. The RPMs are built for specific RedHat releases and must be installed as root. If you're using RPM, you need to install:

In addition to these, you need to ensure that a few packages which are normally part of a Linux installation are installed: A good way to check is to do something like:
    rpm -qa | egrep '^openmotif|^lesstif|^make|^glibc|^XFree|^lapack|^blas|^tcl|^tk|^bison|^flex'
If the output of this seems to list all requirements, then you are in good shape.

Finally, you need to have the gcc 2.95 variety of GNU gcc compiler installed. This is necessary because we have found precision problems with g77 in the 2.96 release, and we do not yet support the 3.1 release. To simplify this, RPMs for gcc-2.95.3 are also available from the AIPS++ ftp site. You need:

These RPMs install into /usr/gcc/2.95.3, e.g. /usr/gcc/2.95.3/bin/gcc, and currently they are not relocatable. Otherwise, you can get gcc 2.95 from the GNU ftp site and install it by hand.

The next step is to select a directory where you would like your AIPS++ installation to reside. For the examples in this section, /usr/local/aips++ will be used; if you choose a differnt location, just substitute your path for /usr/local/aips++. So first create the directory for the initial CVSup bootstrap file, for example:

    bash$ mkdir -p /usr/local/aips++/sup/files
With an editor, create a file in this directory named for the architecture being installed, e.g. /usr/local/aips++/sup/files/linux. In this file, put:
    bootstrap release=linux base=/usr/local/aips++
If you chose a root directory other than /usr/local/aips++ for your installation, you should substitute your directory in the line above. This file specifies which set of bootstrap files should be fetched.

The next step is to use the bootstrap specification file you just created to fetch the bootstrap files:

    bash$ cd /usr/local/aips++
    bash$ cvsup sup/files/linux &
A GUI should pop up, when it does you should only need to press the go button, i.e. the button with the little green triangle beside the exit button. This will fetch all of the AIPS++ bootstrap files for the given architecture..

The next step is to run the bootstrap setup script. This script not only takes care of configuration details, but it also fetches the AIPS++ source code:

    bash$ cd /usr/local/aips++
    bash$ linux/setup
This script will first verify the AIPS++ root directory, and then it will commence with downloading the source code. This may take some time, so patience, as well as bandwidth, is required. After the initial installation of the source code, however, subsequent updates should only download source code modifications, not all of the source code.

Lastly, all you need to do is build AIPS++:

    bash$ cd /usr/local/aips++/code
    bash$ gmake allsys

Updating the Source Code

If you later wish to bring your source code up to date with the current version available from the master repository at the AIPS++ center, you can do this easily with CVSup and the ontrol scripts which the setup step generated:

    bash$ cd /usr/local/aips++
    bash$ cvsup sup/files/code
    bash$ cd code
    bash$ gmake allsys
This procedure can be repeated whenever you wish, and subsequent updates will only download those portions of the code repository which have been modified or added. It will not download everything again.

Updating the Data Repository

In addition to a successful build of the surce code, the AIPS++ data repository is required to run AIPS++. This repository contains all of the data files needed to run AIPS++ as well as some data files used for testing and demos.

To update the data repository, you use CVSup:

    bash$ cd /usr/local/aips++
    bash$ cvsup sup/files/data
This will create a local mirror of the AIPS++ data repository. This can be redone later to update the repository. Subsequent updates will only download those portions of the data repository which have been modified or added. It will not download everything again.

Updating the Documentation

If you would like to have a local copy of the documentation (which is recommended), you use CVSup to get the documentation as well:

    bash$ cd /usr/local/aips++
    bash$ cvsup sup/files/docs
This will create a local mirror of the AIPS++ documentation and can be used to keep the documentation up to date, as with the code and data repositories.

Final Notes

CVSup provides an efficient method for maintaining synchroized mirrors, and the AIPS++ external developer's release makes heavy use of it. All of the control files for CVSup are kept beneath sup/files. These files are simple and reasonably straight forward to understand if a bit of time is spent with the CVSup documentation. In addition to the control files mentioned above, the initial setup script also creates a sup/files/update script. This CVSup control script can be used to update the code and data repositories as well as the documentation with one CVSup invocation. After that, all that remains is the gmake allsys to build AIPS++.

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