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include "quanta.g"
A quantity is a value with a unit. For example, '5km/s', or '20Jy/pc2'. This module (the quanta module) enables you to create and manipulate such quantities. The types of functionality provided are:
To access the quanta module, include the the quanta.g Glish script. This will create a default Quanta tool called dq.
- include 'quanta.g' - dq.type() # Default tool created for you quanta
The Quanta tool has no state (it doesn't remember anything), so there is generally no need to create your own tool. Just use the default one. However, if you do require one, perhaps in a script, then use the quanta constructor to make one.
- include 'quanta.g'; - myqt := quanta(); - myqt.type(); quanta
The Quanta tool manipulates quantities. A quantity is stored as a Glish record with two fields. These fields are named `value' and `unit'. As well as simple scalar quantites, one can also create quantities as vectors or arrays. For example, you may have a vector of values, which all have the same unit - there is no need to store a copy of the unit for each value. Access to the individual fields of a quantum should always be by using the getvalue and getunit methods, especially since the internal names can change or be not accessable at some stage.
- dq.quantity(5.4, 'km/s') [value=5.4, unit=km/s] - - q1 := dq.quantity([8.57132661e+09, 1.71426532e+10], 'km/s') - - dq.convert(q1, 'pc/h'); [value=[1 2] , unit=pc/h]
In the first example, we make a simple scalar quantity. You can see that the quantity (which is actually a Glish record) has fields `value' and `unit'.
In the second example, we make a vector quantity and then convert it from units of km/s to pc/h.
- dq.quantity('5.4km/s') [value=5.4, unit=km/s] - dq.quantity(dq.unit('5.4km/s')) [value=5.4, unit=km/s]
In the first example, the value and unit were combined into one string (just saves a bit of typing). The second example shows that the function unit is an alias for quantity, and that you can create a quantity from another quantity.
- q1 := dq.unit("5s 5.4km/s") - length(q1) 2 - q1[1] [value=5, unit=s] - q1[2] [value=5.4, unit=km/s]
Here we make a vector quantity by using the Glish string vector (double quote) feature. You can see that the resultant quantity (Glish record) is of length 2 and that each field of that vector quantity is a scalar quantity. So you see that q1 itself does not have fields `value' and `unit', only the elements of q1 have that.
- q1 := dq.unit('5km'); - q2 := dq.unit('200m'); - dq.canonical(dq.add(q1,q2)) [value=5200, unit=m]
Here we make two quantities with consistent but different units, add them together and then convert the result to canonical units.
- q1 := dq.quantity('6rad'); - q2 := dq.quantity('3deg'); -,q2) T -,dq.unit('3km')) F
Here we make compare the dimensionality of the units of two quantities.
- q1 := dq.unit(array("5s 5.4km/s", 3, 2)) - length(q1) 6 - q1[1] [value=5, unit=s] - q1[2] [value=5.4, unit=km/s] - q1[6] [value=5.4, unit=km/s] - q1:: [id=quant, shape=[3 2] ]
Here we fill a quantity with a 2-dimensional array. In this case, the array is an array of strings. and its shape is [3,2]. We see that the resultant quantity is a vector of length 6 (it does not preserve the array shape here). However, we see that the shape attribute of the quantity does preserve the original array shape though (see below for more information about attributes).
Constants, time and angle formatting
If you would like to see all the possible constants known to the Quanta tool you can issue the command'const'). You can get the value of any constant in that list with a command such as
- boltzmann := dq.constants('k') - print 'Boltzmann constant is ', boltzmann Boltzmann constant is [value=1.3806578e-23, unit=J/K]
There are some extra handy ways you can manipulate strings when you are dealing with times or angles. The following list shows special strings and string formats which you can input to the quantity function. Something in square brackets is optional. There are examples after the list.
Note that the standard unit for degrees is 'deg', and for days 'd'. Formatting is done in such a way that it interprets a 'd' as degrees if preceded by a value without a period and if any value following it is terminated with an 'm'. In other cases 'days' are assumed. Here are some examples.
- dq.quantity('today') [value=50611.2108, unit=d] - dq.quantity('5jul1998') [value=50999, unit=d] - dq.quantity('5jul1998/12:') [value=50999.5, unit=d] - dq.quantity('-30.12.2') [value=-30.2005556, unit=deg] - dq.quantity('2:2:10') [value=30.5416667, unit=deg] - dq.unit('23h3m2.2s') [value=345.759167, unit=deg]
Angles and times can often be used interchangeably. Special functions (dq.totime() and dq.toangle()) are available to make them in the right units for the purpose. E.g. dq.sin(time) gives an error, whereas dq.sin(dq.toangle(time)) works ok. See units for more information on units and quantities, and the map function for pre-defined units.
- print a := dq.quantity('today'); # 1 [value=51045.9972, unit=d]; - print b := dq.toangle(a); # 2 [value=320731.459, unit=rad] - dq.angle(dq.norm(dq.toangle(a))); # 3 - - dq.angle(dq.norm(dq.toangle(a), 0)); # 4 +358.59.03.692 - dq.sub('today',a); # 5 [value=0.00192880747, unit=d]
Quantities (that is, the Glish record) have attributes attached to them. All quantities have the attribute called `id' which has the string value `quant'. This can be used to identify that a record is in fact a valid quantity. When you make quantities from arrays, you will generally find an attribute called ``shape'' attached to the quantity indicating what shape the array was. Attributes are accessed via the ``::'' operator.
- q1 := dq.unit(array("5s 5.4km/s", 3, 2)) - length(q1) 6 - q1:: [id=quant, shape=[3 2] ]
is_quantity | Check if quantity |
r_array | Create an array or vector of records |
r_fill | Fill only a slice of a record array |
r_index | Get index array for a record array |
r_slice | Get a slice of a record array |
quanta | quanta tool |
quantagui | GUI code for quanta.g |