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misc - Module

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Miscellaneous utilities

include "misc.g"

The misc module contains a number of generally useful tools:

contains a grab-bag of useful functions.

contains system-specific functions like file and directory handling.

is available for querying the AIPS++ resources (``.aipsrc'' files). aipsrcedit allows interactive editing of AIPS++ resources.

is available for querying the AIPS++ resources (``.aisprc'' files) during system startup to avoid recursive dependencies involving aipsrc.

allows interrogation of other miscellaneous AIPS++ information.

is available for printing files and Glish values.

is available for testing the installation.

implements a set of timing functions in the style of a traditional stopwatch.

creates a persistent shell client, amortizing startup over many different function calls.

is available for substituting Glish variables and expressions in a string.

is a generic closure tool container.

plots the lines of code in AIPS++ as a function of time.

allows ftp operation from inside AIPS++.

provides a facility equivalent to Unix make inside Glish.

provides a facility for running scripts in a queue.

aipsrc tool to find aips resources from .aipsrc files
aipsrcedit Tool to edit aipsrc file
assay Assay test and demo functions
executive Tool for running scripts in a queue
ftp Tool to ftp files
getrc find aips recources from .aipsrc files using the getrc utility
itemcontainer A generic closure toolcontainer
misc Misc tool
os Functions to perform system-specific operations
plugins attach code to tools at runtime
printer Print files
sh A persistent shell client
stopwatch stopwatch style timer functions
substitute Functions to substitute Glish variables and expressions
sysinfo Miscellaneous information
timer Execute functions periodically, wait for a specified time

about Information about AIPS++
aips2loc Plot lines of code in AIPS++
ask Displays the AIPS++ question submission form
bug Provides a GUI to for user's to report problems.
edit Edit and optionally execute a file
executivetest Perform a test of executive
faq Drives the user's web browser to the AIPS++FAQ
ftptest Test the ftp tool
help Provides user help.
is_itemcontainer Is this an itemcontainer tool?
make Function for a production system
note Send a message to the logger or terminal
register Provides a GUI to for user's to register AIPS++.
serverexists Does the specified server exist
throw Send a SEVERE message, then fail
web Drives a web browser to the last requested help

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