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types - Tool

Package utility
Module tasking

Postscript file available

Tool for defining types known to the tasking system
include "types.g"


types is the means for defining the user interface (i.e., the functions and arguments) of other AIPS++tools.

An AIPS++tool or function usually takes various types of arguments. Glish itself is type-less and doesn't require that the type of a variable be defined explicitly or fixed, which has advantages and disadvantages. In the tasking system, it is important to impose some typing of variables so that, for example, the toolmanager knows whether a particular argument is a scalar or a measure or a file name. The types tool provides the mechanism for defining the type to be used in the toolmanager's user interface.

This works as follows:

The net result for the developer is that a user interface for any tool or function may be generated easily merely by provision of a meta information file.

An example of a meta information file follows. This defines the interface for a tool called imager and hence should be located in a file called imager_meta.g.

pragma include once;			# Include once only

include 'types.g';			# Required

# Name the include file that defines the tool
# Constructor names are preceeded by ctor_. Then follows the
# list of arguments.  Each argument is defined with a 
# function call of this form:
# type(arg, default=unset, dir='in', checkeval=T)
# where type is defined in type.g and is one of:
# file|table|string|integer|float|double|record|boolean|vector_string|complex
# arg is the name of the argument
# default sets default values (may be an executable string)
# dir sets the direction of the argument
# checkeval=T means that a string value is eval'ed and checked,
# otherwise no such check is done.
# The functions may be assigned to groups using the 
# group('mygroup') function. A group() call resets the
# group to the default, which is 'basic'.
# Define two constructors, one with just a table name, and the other
# with more arguments
    method('ctor_imagertester').string('filename', '').
    integer('size', 256).string('cell', '0.7arcsec').string('stokes', 'IV').
    string('coordinates', 'b1950');

# Methods
# Open with just a table name'basic').method('open').table('thems');

# Plain close

# Get the name back

# Summary

# Set various image parameters. Note the use of the measures
# tool to set the phasecenter.'setup').method('setimage').integer('nx',128).integer('ny',128).
    string('stokes', 'I').
    boolean('doshift', F).
    record('phasecenter', 'dm.direction(\'b1950\', \'0d\', \'0d\')',checkeval=F).
    string('mode', 'mfs').integer('nchan', 1).integer('start', 1).
    integer('step', 1).string('mstart', '0km/s').string('mstep', '0km/s').
    integer('spwid', 1).integer('fieldid', 1);

addmeta Copy meta information to a class
all Show all classes
antennas Define a list of antennas
attachhelp Attach help from the help system
baselines Define a list of baselines
boolean Define a boolean
check Choose one or more from a list of strings
choice Choose one from a list of strings
class Define a class or type of tool
classes Return names of the classes
complex Define a complex
direction Define a direction measure
directory Define a directory
double Define a double
epoch Define an epoch measure
exists Does the class, method, arg exist?
fields Define a list of field ids
file Define a file
float Define a float
getincludefile Get the include file for a class
group Define the group name for a function
includefile Specify the include file for a class
includemeta Include all meta information files
integer Define an integer
is_tool Is this a tool?
list Define a list of other types
measure Define a measure
measurecodes Define the reference code for a measure
meta Return meta information for a type of tool
method Define a method or function for a class
msselect Define a taql string for a MeasurementSet
position Define a position measure
quantity Define a quantity
record Define a record
region Define a region
spectralwindows Define a list of spectralwindows
string Define a string
table Define a table
taql Define a Table Query Language string
untyped Define an untyped variable
vector_boolean Define a vector of booleans
vector_complex Define a vector of complexs
vector_double Define a vector of doubles
vector_float Define a vector of floats
vector_integer Define a vector of integer
vector_string Define a vector of strings

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