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include "fitting.g"
The fitting module provides least squares fitting. It can handle linear and non-linear; real and complex (including cases where unknowns are each other's conjugate); complete and singular-value-decomposition; with or without external constraints; general or specific cases.
Two tools are currently provided. The Functionfitter tool is a high-level tool that enables simple fitting of user-given functional forms to data. It is built on top of the rich, low-level Fitting which enables a wide range of fitting problems to be handled.
First we show an example using the high-level Functionfitter tool which makes fitting easy. Of course you lose some flexibility with this tool.
Functionfitter tool
Access the Functionfitter tool by including the functionfitter.g Glish script. This tool enables you to specify the functional form directly with a string (or you can pass in a functional tool if you wish).
- include 'randomnumbers.g' - n := 20 - x := 1:n # Generate a straight line - y := 2 + 3*x - r := randomnumbers() # Make some noise - g := r.normal(0,0.1,n) - y +:= g - yerr := y / 20.0 # Fudge some y errors - - include 'functionfitter.g' # Generate default dff tool - dff.setdata (x, y, yerr) # Set data - dff.setfunction ('p0 + p1*x') # Set function to fit; solves for parameters p0 & p1 - # Do linear fit (no guess needed) [1.82008 3.01639] - dff.geterror() # Errors in parameters [0.116115 0.00969311] - dff.plot(model=F) # Plot data and fit
Fitting tool
To access the fitting module and its tools, include the fitting.g Glish script. It will load the fitting interface, and create the dfit default fitting tool.
A fitting tool can be reused for other solutions.
More fitting tools can be created by either the fitter constructor (which creates and returns a separate fitting tool), or by the fitter method of an existing fitting tool, which returns a fit identifier, which can be used to indicate a specific sub-fitter in the fitter used by including a parameter 'id=' in all calls to the fitting tool's functions. The latter is especially useful in the case where many simultaneous solutions are necessary: it is more resource efficient, and also allows you to have an array of fit indices to loop over. In both cases the parameters of the tool can be given in the constructor (fitter method), or in a separate init method (see next example of the highest level use):
- include 'fitting.g'; - myfit := fitter(); # general fitting tool created - # (needs initializing before it can be used) - myfit.type(); # the type of the tool fitter - cpid := cpfit.fitter(type='complex') # and another (sub-)fitter - # with an id
The theory behind the fitting module's operation is described in detail in Note 224.
Fitting requires a model describing the data obtained. The model is a described as a functional with parameters to be solved for. Functionals can be pre-programmed functionals like poly, gauss1d, or free form like compiled. In the latter case an expression string describes the model.
The model can depend on zero, one or more arguments, called x. The number of arguments determines the dimension of the model.
Fitting also needs a set of data, called y. If the model is not 0-dimensional, each value x will have an observed value. E.g. for each hour of the day x you can have a measured temperature. Or in the case of multi-dimensions e.g. each pair of hour of the day at each height above the surface (x0, x1) you should have a y value.
The example uses a set of x coordinates:
x := -1 + 0.1*[0:20]The 'observed' values used are a simple 1-dim polynomial of order 2:
1 + 2(x+1) + 0.03(x+1)^2 == 3.03 +2.06x + 0.03x^2We fill these values using the polynomial functional:
y := dfs.poly(2, [3.03, 2.06, 0.03]).f(x)To take the average of these points, we can do:
dfit.linear(dfs.compiled('p'),[],y) TNote that an expression uses p (which is p0), p1 and x, x0, x1. Alternatively you can use x[1] (for x0) and x[1]. Note also that since no argument is used in the expression, no x-values have to be given.
We can get solutions and errors from these data (see for details the separate routine descriptions):
dfit.solution() 3.041 # Compare with the result: sum(y)/len(y) 3.041 # standard deviation per observation 1.27824 dfit.stddev() # standard deviation per weight 1.27824 dfit.error() # errors in solved parameters 0.278934 dfit.rank() # rank of solution 1 dfit.covariance() # covariance matrix 0.047619We can also try to use a 0-order polynomial. Note that a polynomial, even a zero-order one, is a 1-dim function, and we need an x defined:
dfit.linear(dfs.poly(0),[],y) SEVERE: Method linear fails! Linear fitters x and y lengths disagree <fail>: Method linear fails! Linear fitters x and y lengths disagree File: servers.g, Line 1009 Stack: .(), ./fitting.g line 635 .() fit.linear(dfs.poly(0),x,y) T dfit.solution() 3.041We would like to chack the results, so we will do an average in a separate fitter:
id := dfit.fitter() # get a new fitter dfit.linear(dfs.compiled('p'),[],y, id=id) # get average T dfit.solution() - dfit.solution(id=id) # check difference -4.44089e-16 # to really show we recalculate and check separately: dfit.linear(dfs.compiled('p'), [], y/2, id=id) # calculate new average dfit.solution() - dfit.solution(id=id) 1.5205A 1-order polynomial is now easy:
dfit.linear(dfs.poly(1),x,y) dfit.solution() [3.041 2.06] dfit.chi2() 0.00201894 dfit.error() [0.00224944 0.00371484] 0.0103082Note that each 'equation' can also be given a weight or standard deviation.
2-dimensional example
A 2-dim model is done the same way. The x vector has now n pairs of values. The Glish rbind can help in cxreating these pairs.
x1 := 1:5 x2 := 0.1*1:5 x1 := rbind(x1,x2) # combine into pairs. Check: [x1] [1 0.1 2 0.2 3 0.3 4 0.4 5 0.5] dfit.linear(dfs.compiled('p*x + p1*sin(x1)'),x1, + dfs.compiled('3*x+7*sin(x[2])').f(x1)) T dfit.solution() [3 7]
Non-linear simple example
If the model is non-linear in the parameters to be solved, the functional method should be used. The main difference is that a guess solution must be inserted in the model parameters. In the following that is not necessary, since the default zero values suffice if the function is linear:
dfit.functional(dfs.compiled('p*x + p1*sin(x1)'),x1, dfs.compiled('3*x+7*sin(x[2])').f(x1), id=id) T dfit.solution(id=id) [3 7] dfit.solution(id=id)-dfit.solution() [4.14779e-13 -4.2748e-12] # Try with an intial guess dfit.functional(dfs.compiled('p*x + p1*sin(x1)', [3,7]),x1, dfs.compiled('3*x+7*sin(x[2])').f(x1), id=id2) T dfit.solution(id=id2) [3 7] dfit.solution(id=id2)-dfit.solution() [4.14779e-13 -4.27569e-12]
Functional variety
Just to show the model can be anything, we redo the fit of an order 1 polynomial to the x, y data:
dfit.linear(dfs.poly(1), x,y);dfit.solution() T [3.041 2.06] dfs.poly(1).state() [type=5, order=1, ndim=1, npar=2, params=[1 1] , masks=[T T] ]Now try the same by a sum of odd and even polynomials of default order (note the order):
a := dfs.compound(); a.add(dfs.functional('oddp')); T a.add(dfs.functional('evenp')); a.state() T [type=12, order=-1, ndim=1, npar=2, params=[0 0] , masks=[T T] , nfunc=2, funcs=[__*0=[type=7, order=1, ndim=1, npar=1, params=0, masks=T], __*1=[type=6, order=1, ndim=1, npar=1, params=0, masks=T]]] dfit.linear(a,x,y,id=id2); dfit.solution(id=id2) T [2.06 3.041]And the combination of an odd (2x) and an even polynomial (3):
a := dfs.combi(); a.add(dfs.functional('oddp', params=2)); a.add(dfs.functional('evenp', params=3)); a.state() [type=11, order=-1, ndim=1, npar=2, params=[1 1] , masks=[T T] , nfunc=2, funcs=[__*0=[type=7, order=1, ndim=1, npar=1, params=2, masks=T], __*1=[type=6, order=1, ndim=1, npar=1, params=3, masks=T]]] dfit.linear(a,x,y); dfit.solution() T [1.03 1.01367]
Use constraints
We have measured a number of anlgles around a triangle. Each angle is measured 10 times (nominally 50, 60, 70 deg). Solving the angles will give:
include 'randomnumbers.g' T rn := randomnumbers() # Create 3*10 measured values yz := [0*1:10 + 50 + rn.normal(0,1,10), 0*1:10 + 60 + rn.normal(0,1,10), 0*1:10 + 70 + rn.normal(0,1,10)] # Create 3*10 equations xz := [array([1,0,0],30), array([0,1,0],30), array([0,0,1],30)] # The equation used and solve f := dfs.compiled('p*x+p1*x1+p2*x2') f.state() [type=13, order=-1, progtext=p*x+p1*x1+p2*x2, ndim=3, npar=3, params=[0 0 0] , masks=[T T T] ] dfit.linear(f,xz,yz) T print dfit.solution(), 'sum=', sum(dfit.solution()) [49.7079 60.2427 70.092] sum= 180.043 dfit.error() [0.334828 0.334828 0.334828] # Add a constraint: sum of angles 180deg dfit.addconstraint(x=[1,1,1],y=180) dfit.linear(f,xz,yz) T print dfit.solution(), 'sum=', sum(dfit.solution()) [49.6937 60.2285 70.0778] sum= 180 print dfit.error() [0.273413 0.273413 0.273413] # Add another constraint, since we know second angle 60deg dfit.addconstraint(x=[0,1,0],yp6+p0*exp(-((x-p1)/p2)^2) + p3*exp(-((x-p4)/p5)^2)=60) dfit.linear(f,xz,yz) T print dfit.solution(), 'sum=', sum(dfit.solution()) [49.8079 60 70.1921] sum= 180 print dfit.error() [0.239827 0 0.239827]
Non-linear equation and constraints
In the following we have 2 Gaussian profiles and an offset. We add some noise, and solve assuming we have a fair estimate of the position of the Gaussians. Note that if the first estimate is beyond the real half-value point, the fitting will be difficult, due to the derivatives changing sign.
include 'randomnumbers.g' T rn := randomnumbers() # The profile to generate and the parameters to use # (in essence 10 + 20 * exp (-((x-10)/4)^2) + 10 * exp(-((x-33)/4)^2) ) f := dfs.compiled('p6+p0*exp(-((x-p1)/p2)^2) + p3*exp(-((x-p4)/p5)^2)', [20, 10, 4, 10, 33, 4, 10]) xg := [0.5 * 1:100 -0.5] yg := f.f(xg) + rn.normal(0,0.3,100) # Make an intial guess f.setparameters([22, 11, 5, 10, 30, 5, 9]) # Solve dfit.clearconstraints() dfit.functional(f,xg,yg) T dfit.solution() [19.9011 10.0063 4.01328 10.0775 33.0435 3.91559 10.015] dfit.solution() - [20, 10, 4, 10, 33, 4, 10] [-0.0989338 0.00629358 0.0132842 0.0775453 0.0434835 -0.0844103 0.0149934] dfit.error() [0.211312 0.0334257 0.0527771 0.213666 0.0652003 0.102782 0.082641] # We know that the two lines have a peak ratio of 2: Amp1-2Amp2 = 0 dfit.addconstraint([1, 0, 0, -2, 0, 0, 0]) dfit.functional(f,xg,yg) T dfit.solution() [19.9461 10.0063 4.00504 9.97305 33.0435 3.93808 10.021] dfit.solution() - [20, 10, 4, 10, 33, 4, 10] [-0.0538968 0.00633983 0.00503951 -0.0269484 0.0435214 -0.0619237 0.0209581] dfit.solution()[1]/dfit.solution()[4] 2 dfit.error() [0.195261 0.0333704 0.0505232 0.0976303 0.0661804 0.0955169 0.0822235] # We know that the lines originated in same place: width1 == width2 # Note that the default assumed value is 0.0 dfit.addconstraint([0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -1, 0]) dfit.functional(f,xg,yg) T dfit.solution() [19.9636 10.0064 3.99814 9.98182 33.0437 3.99814 10.0009] dfit.solution() - [20, 10, 4, 10, 33, 4, 10] [-0.0363615 0.00638397 -0.00185905 -0.0181808 0.0436526 -0.00185905 0.000862892] dfit.solution()[3]-dfit.solution()[6] 0 dfit.error() err [0.194391 0.0334112 0.0498292 0.0971955 0.0668223 0.0498292 0.0778807] # And see what happens if we assume that the widths are 4 dfit.addconstraint([0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], 4) dfit.functional(f,xg,yg) T dfit.solution() [19.9616 10.0064 4 9.9808 33.0437 4 9.99932] dfit.solution() - [20, 10, 4, 10, 33, 4, 10] [-0.0383906 0.00637359 0 -0.0191953 0.0436573 0 -0.000676228] dfit.error() [0.186608 0.0334226 0 0.0933042 0.0668451 0 0.0660634]
Deficient solutions and SVD constraints
In some cases solutions of the least-squares equations is not completely possible. An example is e.g. the solution of the closures equations in synthesis calibrations, where a missing phase zero and slope and a missing absolute gain cannot be solved for. The fitting described here will always provide a solution, even in the case of a set of incomplete equations. After the solution the deficiency can be checked. If there is a rank deficiency, the set of 'constraints' that makes a solution possible (in a way similar to SVD, i.e. providing a missing set of orthogonal equations) is available through the constr function.
# Provide a set of equations. include 'randomnumbers.g' T rn := randomnumbers() x := [array([1,1,1], 30)] y := 180 + 1:10 * 0 + rn.normal(0,3,10) f := dfs.functional('hyper', 3) dfit.linear(f,x,y) T dfit.deficiency() 2 dfit.solution() [60.0262 60.0262 60.0262] dfit.constraint() [-1 0 1 -1 1 0] # The SVD constraints can be used as constraints in subsequent solutions: dfit.addconstraint(x=dfit.constraint(1)) T dfit.addconstraint(x=dfit.constraint(2)) T dfit.linear(f,xz,yz) T dfit.solution() [60.0262 60.0262 60.0262] dfit.rank() 3 dfit.deficiency() 0 dfit.error() [0.202801 0.202801 0.202801]
Complex fitting
The fitter can handle functions of complex variables. In the following example a second order polynomial is first fitted real with a first order linear polynomial. The same is repeated complex (with real data); and then a complex value is fitted. An example of a 2-dimensional non-linear function is also given
# Define x and y data x := -1 + 0.1*[0:20] y := dfs.poly(2, [3.03, 2.06, 0.03]).f(x) # fit a first order polynomial dfit.linear(dfs.poly(1), x,y); print 'linear', dfit.solution() T linear [3.041 2.06] # Get a complex fitter and see the same fit id1:=dfit.fitter() dfit.set(type=dfit.complex(), id=id1) T dfit.linear(dfs.poly(1), x,y, id=id1); T dfit.solution(id=id1) [3.041+0i 2.06+0i] # Make a complex yi and redo yi := dfs.poly(2, [3.03, 2.06, 0.03]).f(x) yi := yi - 3i*dfs.poly(2, [3.03, 2.06, 0.03]).cf(x) dfit.linear(dfs.poly(1),x,yi,id=id1) T dfit.solution(id=id1) [3.041-9.123i 2.06-6.18i] # A non-linear 2-dimensional function, real and complex id2:=dfit.fitter() dfit.functional(dfs.compiled('p*x + p1*sin(x1)', [3,7]),x1, dfs.compiled('3*x+7*sin(x[2])').f(x1), id=id2) x1 := 1:5 x2 := 0.1*1:5 x1 := [rbind(x1,x2)] # combine into pairs. print [x1] [1 0.1 2 0.2 3 0.3 4 0.4 5 0.5] dfit.functional(dfs.compiled('p*x + p1*sin(x1)', [3,7]),x1, dfs.compiled('3*x+7*sin(x[2])').f(x1), id=id2) T dfit.solution(id=id2) [3 7] dfit.set(type=dfit.complex(), id=id2) T dfit.functional(dfs.compiled('p*x + p1*sin(x1)', [3,7]),x1, dfs.compiled('3*x+7*sin(x[2])').f(x1), id=id2) T dfit.solution(id=id2) [3+0i 7+0i]
fitter | fitting tool |
functionfitter | Tool to do simple fitting of numeric data |