64 class AlmaRadiometerTable;
67 class AnnotationTable;
76 class CalAntennaSolutionsTable;
79 class CalAppPhaseTable;
82 class CalAtmosphereTable;
85 class CalBandpassTable;
106 class CalFocusModelTable;
112 class CalHolographyTable;
118 class CalPointingTable;
121 class CalPointingModelTable;
124 class CalPositionTable;
127 class CalPrimaryBeamTable;
130 class CalReductionTable;
133 class CalSeeingTable;
139 class ConfigDescriptionTable;
142 class CorrelatorModeTable;
145 class DataDescriptionTable;
148 class DelayModelTable;
151 class DelayModelFixedParametersTable;
154 class DelayModelVariableParametersTable;
160 class EphemerisTable;
163 class ExecBlockTable;
181 class FocusModelTable;
184 class FreqOffsetTable;
187 class GainTrackingTable;
193 class HolographyTable;
196 class ObservationTable;
202 class PointingModelTable;
205 class PolarizationTable;
208 class ProcessorTable;
217 class SBSummaryTable;
232 class SpectralWindowTable;
235 class SquareLawDetectorTable;
247 class SwitchCycleTable;
256 class TotalPowerTable;
697 virtual std::string
708 void toXML(std::string directory)
720 virtual void fromXML(std::string xml) ;
765 void toFile(std::string directory);
781 void setFromFile(std::string directory,
bool loadTablesOnDemand);
835 virtual asdmIDL::ASDMDataSetIDL*
845 virtual void fromIDL(asdmIDL::ASDMDataSetIDL* x);
855 virtual std::string
860 virtual unsigned int size() ;
SysCalTable & getSysCal() const
Get the table SysCal.
DelayModelVariableParametersTable & getDelayModelVariableParameters() const
Get the table DelayModelVariableParameters.
FreqOffsetTable & getFreqOffset() const
Get the table FreqOffset.
CalPointingModelTable & getCalPointingModel() const
Get the table CalPointingModel.
The CalAppPhaseTable class is an Alma table.
DelayModelFixedParametersTable & getDelayModelFixedParameters() const
Get the table DelayModelFixedParameters.
CalCurveTable * calCurve
The table CalCurve.
A class to define a collection of options regarding the way to consider an ASDM dataset especially wh...
The CalDelayTable class is an Alma table.
The PointingTable class is an Alma table.
PointingTable * pointing
The table Pointing.
The CalAmpliTable class is an Alma table.
CalPhaseTable & getCalPhase() const
Get the table CalPhase.
SubscanTable * subscan
The table Subscan.
virtual std::string getName() const
Meaningless, but required for the Representable interface.
PolarizationTable & getPolarization() const
Get the table Polarization.
AnnotationTable * annotation
The table Annotation.
The FieldTable class is an Alma table.
The AlmaRadiometerTable class is an Alma table.
void setFromMIME(const std::string &)
Extracts the binary part of a MIME message and deserialize its content to fill this with the result o...
The EphemerisTable class is an Alma table.
The CalFocusTable class is an Alma table.
SquareLawDetectorTable & getSquareLawDetector() const
Get the table SquareLawDetector.
EphemerisTable * ephemeris
The table Ephemeris.
CalCurveTable & getCalCurve() const
Get the table CalCurve.
void setVersion(int version)
Set version with the specified int.
GainTrackingTable * gainTracking
The table GainTracking.
The DelayModelTable class is an Alma table.
FeedTable * feed
The table Feed.
The FocusTable class is an Alma table.
The FreqOffsetTable class is an Alma table.
AnnotationTable & getAnnotation() const
Get the table Annotation.
CalFocusModelTable * calFocusModel
The table CalFocusModel.
DelayModelTable & getDelayModel() const
Get the table DelayModel.
WeatherTable * weather
The table Weather.
HolographyTable * holography
The table Holography.
SysPowerTable & getSysPower() const
Get the table SysPower.
The CalPrimaryBeamTable class is an Alma table.
virtual asdmIDL::ASDMDataSetIDL * toIDL()
Converts this ASDM into an ASDMDataSetIDL CORBA structure.
CalWVRTable * calWVR
The table CalWVR.
MainTable & getMain() const
Get the table Main.
HistoryTable * history
The table History.
int getVersion() const
===> Attribute version
The CalAntennaSolutionsTable class is an Alma table.
TotalPowerTable * totalPower
The table TotalPower.
StationTable & getStation() const
Get the table Station.
ScanTable * scan
The table Scan.
SwitchCycleTable & getSwitchCycle() const
Get the table SwitchCycle.
HistoryTable & getHistory() const
Get the table History.
TotalPowerTable & getTotalPower() const
Get the table TotalPower.
FreqOffsetTable * freqOffset
The table FreqOffset.
CalWVRTable & getCalWVR() const
Get the table CalWVR.
This enumeration lists the different possible origins for an ASDM present in memory.
The ScaleTable class is an Alma table.
The SourceTable class is an Alma table.
The PointingModelTable class is an Alma table.
The CalFocusModelTable class is an Alma table.
CalHolographyTable & getCalHolography() const
Get the table CalHolography.
PulsarTable * pulsar
The table Pulsar.
ScaleTable & getScale() const
Get the table Scale.
virtual void setEntity(Entity e)
CalReductionTable & getCalReduction() const
Get the table CalReduction.
The ASDM class is the container for all tables.
The ConfigDescriptionTable class is an Alma table.
The FlagCmdTable class is an Alma table.
CalSeeingTable & getCalSeeing() const
Get the table CalSeeing.
The ExecBlockTable class is an Alma table.
PointingModelTable * pointingModel
The table PointingModel.
FieldTable * field
The table Field.
MainTable * main
The table Main.
The DataDescriptionTable class is an Alma table.
The CalBandpassTable class is an Alma table.
virtual void fromIDL(asdmIDL::ASDMDataSetIDL *x)
Builds an ASDM out of its IDL representation.
FlagTable * flag
The table Flag.
std::map< std::string, Entity > tableEntity
The list of Entity objects representing the tables.
void updateArchive() const
Update an ASDM dataset that already exists in the ALMA archive.
SysCalTable * sysCal
The table SysCal.
CalDeviceTable & getCalDevice() const
Get the table CalDevice.
CalAtmosphereTable * calAtmosphere
The table CalAtmosphere.
CalFocusTable & getCalFocus() const
Get the table CalFocus.
CalDeviceTable * calDevice
The table CalDevice.
SeeingTable * seeing
The table Seeing.
bool checkRowUniqueness() const
Returns a boolean value indicating if a control of the uniqueness of each row of each table is done d...
FlagCmdTable & getFlagCmd() const
Get the table FlagCmd.
The DelayModelVariableParametersTable class is an Alma table.
void setTimeOfCreation(ArrayTime timeOfCreation)
Set timeOfCreation with the specified ArrayTime.
The CalReductionTable class is an Alma table.
CalPointingTable * calPointing
The table CalPointing.
ProcessorTable * processor
The table Processor.
CalSeeingTable * calSeeing
The table CalSeeing.
ScanTable & getScan() const
Get the table Scan.
virtual std::string toXML() const
Produces the XML representation of * this.
CalPrimaryBeamTable & getCalPrimaryBeam() const
Get the table CalPrimaryBeam.
The StationTable class is an Alma table.
The CalGainTable class is an Alma table.
static ASDM * fromArchive(EntityId datasetId)
Create an ASDM dataset from the ALMA archive, given the entityId of its container.
static std::string getXMLEntity(EntityId)
SBSummaryTable & getSBSummary() const
Get the table SBSummary.
CalPointingModelTable * calPointingModel
The table CalPointingModel.
CalHolographyTable * calHolography
The table CalHolography.
virtual unsigned int size()
Meaningless, but required for the Representable interface.
ReceiverTable & getReceiver() const
Get the table Receiver.
ArrayTime getTimeOfCreation() const
===> Attribute timeOfCreation
The CalPhaseTable class is an Alma table.
ProcessorTable & getProcessor() const
Get the table Processor.
The SeeingTable class is an Alma table.
The PulsarTable class is an Alma table.
The StateTable class is an Alma table.
Constructs an empty ASDM.
The WVMCalTable class is an Alma table.
AlmaRadiometerTable & getAlmaRadiometer() const
Get the table AlmaRadiometer.
CalBandpassTable & getCalBandpass() const
Get the table CalBandpass.
Origin getOrigin() const
Returns the origin of the dataset in memory.
The SpectralWindowTable class is an Alma table.
The CalPointingModelTable class is an Alma table.
The ReceiverTable class is an Alma table.
SubscanTable & getSubscan() const
Get the table Subscan.
The ProcessorTable class is an Alma table.
Entity entity
This Container's entity.
FlagTable & getFlag() const
Get the table Flag.
The ObservationTable class is an Alma table.
int version
===> Attribute version
The SwitchCycleTable class is an Alma table.
CalBandpassTable * calBandpass
The table CalBandpass.
The HolographyTable class is an Alma table.
DataDescriptionTable * dataDescription
The table DataDescription.
SpectralWindowTable & getSpectralWindow() const
Get the table SpectralWindow.
SeeingTable & getSeeing() const
Get the table Seeing.
DopplerTable * doppler
The table Doppler.
ScaleTable * scale
The table Scale.
The AntennaTable class is an Alma table.
void setFromFile(std::string directory, bool loadTablesOnDemand)
Constructs totally or partially an ASDM dataset from its representation on disk.
The SquareLawDetectorTable class is an Alma table.
The CalPositionTable class is an Alma table.
XSLTransformer & getXSLTransformer()
SwitchCycleTable * switchCycle
The table SwitchCycle.
CalPositionTable & getCalPosition() const
Get the table CalPosition.
WVMCalTable & getWVMCal() const
Get the table WVMCal.
ConfigDescriptionTable * configDescription
The table ConfigDescription.
Representable & getTable(std::string tableName)
Return the table, as a Representable object, with the specified name.
CalPointingTable & getCalPointing() const
Get the table CalPointing.
SourceTable * source
The table Source.
DelayModelFixedParametersTable * delayModelFixedParameters
The table DelayModelFixedParameters.
PointingModelTable & getPointingModel() const
Get the table PointingModel.
CalDataTable & getCalData() const
Get the table CalData.
GainTrackingTable & getGainTracking() const
Get the table GainTracking.
FocusModelTable * focusModel
The table FocusModel.
CalAmpliTable & getCalAmpli() const
Get the table CalAmpli.
The ArrayTime class implements the concept of a point in time, implemented as an Interval of time sin...
FieldTable & getField() const
Get the table Field.
CalPositionTable * calPosition
The table CalPosition.
void setXmlnsPrefix(std::string xmlnsPrefix)
Set xmlnsPrefix with the specified std::string.
ObservationTable * observation
The table Observation.
The CorrelatorModeTable class is an Alma table.
CalFocusModelTable & getCalFocusModel() const
Get the table CalFocusModel.
PulsarTable & getPulsar() const
Get the table Pulsar.
The SysCalTable class is an Alma table.
EphemerisTable & getEphemeris() const
Get the table Ephemeris.
CorrelatorModeTable & getCorrelatorMode() const
Get the table CorrelatorMode.
CalFluxTable & getCalFlux() const
Get the table CalFlux.
PolarizationTable * polarization
The table Polarization.
void toFile(std::string directory)
Write this ASDM dataset to the specified directory as a collection of files.
The CalDeviceTable class is an Alma table.
PointingTable & getPointing() const
Get the table Pointing.
The GainTrackingTable class is an Alma table.
ConfigDescriptionTable & getConfigDescription() const
Get the table ConfigDescription.
DopplerTable & getDoppler() const
Get the table Doppler.
CalAppPhaseTable * calAppPhase
The table CalAppPhase.
ObservationTable & getObservation() const
Get the table Observation.
The SysPowerTable class is an Alma table.
The dataset has been constructed from its representation in the Archive.
FocusTable * focus
The table Focus.
static void putXMLEntity(std::string)
CalPrimaryBeamTable * calPrimaryBeam
The table CalPrimaryBeam.
WeatherTable & getWeather() const
Get the table Weather.
static ASDM * getFromXML(std::string xmlDirectory)
Get an ASDM dataset, given the full path name of the directory containing the XML version of the data...
The CalAtmosphereTable class is an Alma table.
The CalFluxTable class is an Alma table.
FeedTable & getFeed() const
Get the table Feed.
CalDelayTable * calDelay
The table CalDelay.
The CalPointingTable class is an Alma table.
SourceTable & getSource() const
Get the table Source.
StateTable * state
The table State.
std::string getXmlnsPrefix() const
===> Attribute xmlnsPrefix
The dataset has been constructed ex nihilo.
HolographyTable & getHolography() const
Get the table Holography.
The FeedTable class is an Alma table.
The Representable interface is implemented by all tables and by the container.
SquareLawDetectorTable * squareLawDetector
The table SquareLawDetector.
CalGainTable & getCalGain() const
Get the table CalGain.
WVMCalTable * wVMCal
The table WVMCal.
StationTable * station
The table Station.
FocusModelTable & getFocusModel() const
Get the table FocusModel.
const Double e
e and functions thereof:
AntennaTable * antenna
The table Antenna.
DataDescriptionTable & getDataDescription() const
Get the table DataDescription.
CalAntennaSolutionsTable * calAntennaSolutions
The table CalAntennaSolutions.
StateTable & getState() const
Get the table State.
The PolarizationTable class is an Alma table.
The SBSummaryTable class is an Alma table.
XSLTransformer xslTransformer
std::string xmlnsPrefix
===> Attribute xmlnsPrefix
CalAtmosphereTable & getCalAtmosphere() const
Get the table CalAtmosphere.
FlagCmdTable * flagCmd
The table FlagCmd.
The WeatherTable class is an Alma table.
CalGainTable * calGain
The table CalGain.
The CalDataTable class is an Alma table.
The SubscanTable class is an Alma table.
std::vector< Representable * > table
The list of tables as Representable.
CalReductionTable * calReduction
The table CalReduction.
The FocusModelTable class is an Alma table.
CalDelayTable & getCalDelay() const
Get the table CalDelay.
The TotalPowerTable class is an Alma table.
The CalCurveTable class is an Alma table.
CalFocusTable * calFocus
The table CalFocus.
The HistoryTable class is an Alma table.
CorrelatorModeTable * correlatorMode
The table CorrelatorMode.
The dataset has been constructed from its representation on disk.
virtual Entity getEntity() const
DelayModelTable * delayModel
The table DelayModel.
CalDataTable * calData
The table CalData.
The FlagTable class is an Alma table.
The AnnotationTable class is an Alma table.
ExecBlockTable * execBlock
The table ExecBlock.
ExecBlockTable & getExecBlock() const
Get the table ExecBlock.
virtual void fromXML(std::string xml)
Get an ASDM dataset, given the full path name of the directory containing the XML version of the data...
SBSummaryTable * sBSummary
The table SBSummary.
The MainTable class is an Alma table.
ReceiverTable * receiver
The table Receiver.
SpectralWindowTable * spectralWindow
The table SpectralWindow.
The CalWVRTable class is an Alma table.
The ScanTable class is an Alma table.
SysPowerTable * sysPower
The table SysPower.
AlmaRadiometerTable * almaRadiometer
The table AlmaRadiometer.
CalPhaseTable * calPhase
The table CalPhase.
CalFluxTable * calFlux
The table CalFlux.
ArrayTime timeOfCreation
===> Attribute timeOfCreation
std::string toMIME()
Serialize this into a stream of bytes and encapsulates that stream into a MIME message.
The DopplerTable class is an Alma table.
The CalHolographyTable class is an Alma table.
DelayModelVariableParametersTable * delayModelVariableParameters
The table DelayModelVariableParameters.
FocusTable & getFocus() const
Get the table Focus.
AntennaTable & getAntenna() const
Get the table Antenna.
The CalSeeingTable class is an Alma table.
The Entity class is an identification of a persistant entity in the ALMA archive. ...
std::string getDirectory() const
Returns the ASDM's directory.
CalAntennaSolutionsTable & getCalAntennaSolutions() const
Get the table CalAntennaSolutions.
CalAmpliTable * calAmpli
The table CalAmpli.
CalAppPhaseTable & getCalAppPhase() const
Get the table CalAppPhase.
The DelayModelFixedParametersTable class is an Alma table.