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asdm::FieldTable Class Reference

The FieldTable class is an Alma table. More...

#include <FieldTable.h>

Inheritance diagram for asdm::FieldTable:

Public Member Functions

virtual ~FieldTable ()
ASDMgetContainer () const
 Return the container to which this table belongs. More...
unsigned int size () const
 Return the number of rows in the table. More...
std::string getName () const
 Return the name of this table. More...
std::string getVersion () const
 Return the version information about this table. More...
Entity getEntity () const
 Return this table's Entity. More...
void setEntity (Entity e)
 Set this table's Entity. More...
std::string toXML ()
 Produces an XML representation conform to the schema defined for Field (FieldTable.xsd). More...
asdmIDL::FieldTableIDL * toIDL ()
 Conversion Methods. More...
void toIDL (asdmIDL::FieldTableIDL &x) const
 Fills the CORBA data structure passed in parameter with the content of this table. More...
void fromIDL (asdmIDL::FieldTableIDL x)
 Populate this table from the content of a FieldTableIDL Corba structure. More...
FieldRownewRow ()
 ====> Row creation. More...
FieldRownewRow (std::string fieldName, int numPoly, std::vector< std::vector< Angle > > delayDir, std::vector< std::vector< Angle > > phaseDir, std::vector< std::vector< Angle > > referenceDir)
 Create a new row initialized to the specified values. More...
FieldRownewRow (FieldRow *row)
 Create a new row using a copy constructor mechanism. More...
FieldRowadd (FieldRow *x)
 ====> Append a row to its table. More...
std::vector< FieldRow * > get ()
 ====> Methods returning rows. More...
const std::vector< FieldRow * > & get () const
 Get a const reference on the collection of rows pointers internally hold by the table. More...
FieldRowgetRowByKey (Tag fieldId)
 Returns a FieldRow* given a key. More...
FieldRowlookup (std::string fieldName, int numPoly, std::vector< std::vector< Angle > > delayDir, std::vector< std::vector< Angle > > phaseDir, std::vector< std::vector< Angle > > referenceDir)
 Look up the table for a row whose all attributes except the autoincrementable one are equal to the corresponding parameters of the method. More...
void setUnknownAttributeBinaryReader (const std::string &attributeName, BinaryAttributeReaderFunctor *barFctr)
BinaryAttributeReaderFunctorgetUnknownAttributeBinaryReader (const std::string &attributeName) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from asdm::Representable
virtual ~Representable ()

Static Public Member Functions

static const std::vector
< std::string > & 
getKeyName ()
 Return the list of field names that make up key key as an array of strings. More...
static std::string name ()
 Return the name of this table. More...
static const std::vector
< std::string > & 
getAttributesNames ()
 Return the names of the attributes of this table. More...
static const std::vector
< std::string > & 
defaultAttributesNamesInBin ()
 Return the default sorted list of attributes names in the binary representation of the table. More...

Private Member Functions

 FieldTable (ASDM &container)
 Create a FieldTable. More...
void autoIncrement (std::string key, FieldRow *x)
FieldRowcheckAndAdd (FieldRow *x, bool skipCheckUniqueness=false)
 If this table has an autoincrementable attribute then check if *x verifies the rule of uniqueness and throw exception if not. More...
void append (FieldRow *x)
 Brutally append an FieldRow x to the collection of rows already stored in this table. More...
void addWithoutCheckingUnique (FieldRow *x)
 Brutally append an FieldRow x to the collection of rows already stored in this table. More...
void error ()
void fromXML (std::string &xmlDoc)
 Populate this table from the content of a XML document that is required to be conform to the XML schema defined for a Field (FieldTable.xsd). More...
void setFromMIMEFile (const std::string &directory)
 Private methods involved during the build of this table out of the content of file(s) containing an external representation of a Field table. More...
void setFromXMLFile (const std::string &directory)
std::string toMIME (const asdm::ByteOrder *byteOrder=asdm::ByteOrder::Machine_Endianity)
 Serialize this into a stream of bytes and encapsulates that stream into a MIME message. More...
void setFromMIME (const std::string &mimeMsg)
 Extracts the binary part of a MIME message and deserialize its content to fill this with the result of the deserialization. More...
std::string MIMEXMLPart (const asdm::ByteOrder *byteOrder=asdm::ByteOrder::Machine_Endianity)
 Private methods involved during the export of this table into disk file(s). More...
void toFile (std::string directory)
 Stores a representation (binary or XML) of this table into a file. More...
void checkPresenceInMemory ()
void setFromFile (const std::string &directory)
 Reads and parses a file containing a representation of a FieldTable as those produced by the toFile method. More...

Private Attributes

bool archiveAsBin
bool fileAsBin
std::string version
Entity entity
std::map< std::string, int > noAutoIncIds
 A map for the autoincrementation algorithm. More...
std::vector< FieldRow * > privateRows
 A data structure to store the pointers on the table's rows. More...
std::vector< FieldRow * > row
std::map< std::string,
BinaryAttributeReaderFunctor * > 
bool loadInProgress
 Load the table in memory if necessary. More...


class ASDM

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from asdm::Representable
bool presentInMemory
bool loadInProgress
uint32_t declaredSize

Detailed Description

The FieldTable class is an Alma table.

The field position for each source.

Generated from model's revision "-1", branch ""

Attributes of Field
Name Type Expected shape





 identifies a unique row in the table.


fieldName std::string  

 the name of the field.

numPoly (numPoly) int  

 number of coefficients of the polynomials.

delayDir std::vector<std::vector<Angle > > numPoly, 2

 the delay tracking direction.

phaseDir std::vector<std::vector<Angle > > numPoly, 2

 the phase tracking direction.

referenceDir std::vector<std::vector<Angle > > numPoly, 2

 the reference direction.


time ArrayTime  

  value used as the origin for the polynomials.

code std::string  

  describes the function of the field.

directionCode DirectionReferenceCodeMod::DirectionReferenceCode  

  the direction reference code of the field.

directionEquinox ArrayTime  

  the direction reference equinox of the field.

assocNature std::string  

  identifies the nature of the association with the row refered to by fieldId.

ephemerisId int  

  refers to a collection of rows in the EphemerisTable.

sourceId int  

  refers to a collection of rows in SourceTable.

assocFieldId Tag  

  Associated Field ID

Definition at line 233 of file FieldTable.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual asdm::FieldTable::~FieldTable ( )
asdm::FieldTable::FieldTable ( ASDM container)

Create a FieldTable.

This constructor is private because only the container can create tables. All tables must know the container to which they belong.

containerThe container to which this table belongs.

Member Function Documentation

FieldRow* asdm::FieldTable::add ( FieldRow x)

====> Append a row to its table.

Add a row. If there table contains a row whose key's fields are equal to x's ones then return a pointer on this row (i.e. no actual insertion is performed) otherwise add x to the table and return x.

x. A pointer on the row to be added.
a pointer to a FieldRow.
void asdm::FieldTable::addWithoutCheckingUnique ( FieldRow x)

Brutally append an FieldRow x to the collection of rows already stored in this table.

No uniqueness check is done !

FieldRow*x a pointer onto the FieldRow to be appended.
void asdm::FieldTable::append ( FieldRow x)

Brutally append an FieldRow x to the collection of rows already stored in this table.

No uniqueness check is done !

FieldRow*x a pointer onto the FieldRow to be appended.
void asdm::FieldTable::autoIncrement ( std::string  key,
FieldRow x 
FieldRow* asdm::FieldTable::checkAndAdd ( FieldRow x,
bool  skipCheckUniqueness = false 

If this table has an autoincrementable attribute then check if *x verifies the rule of uniqueness and throw exception if not.

Check if *x verifies the key uniqueness rule and throw an exception if not. Append x to its table.

void asdm::FieldTable::checkPresenceInMemory ( )
static const std::vector<std::string>& asdm::FieldTable::defaultAttributesNamesInBin ( )

Return the default sorted list of attributes names in the binary representation of the table.

a const reference to a vector of string
void asdm::FieldTable::error ( )
void asdm::FieldTable::fromIDL ( asdmIDL::FieldTableIDL  x)

Populate this table from the content of a FieldTableIDL Corba structure.

DuplicateKeyThrown if the method tries to add a row having a key that is already in the table.
void asdm::FieldTable::fromXML ( std::string &  xmlDoc)

Populate this table from the content of a XML document that is required to be conform to the XML schema defined for a Field (FieldTable.xsd).


Implements asdm::Representable.

std::vector<FieldRow *> asdm::FieldTable::get ( )

====> Methods returning rows.

Get a collection of pointers on the rows of the table.

Alls rows in a vector of pointers of FieldRow. The elements of this vector are stored in the order in which they have been added to the FieldTable.
const std::vector<FieldRow *>& asdm::FieldTable::get ( ) const

Get a const reference on the collection of rows pointers internally hold by the table.

A const reference of a vector of pointers of FieldRow. The elements of this vector are stored in the order in which they have been added to the FieldTable.
static const std::vector<std::string>& asdm::FieldTable::getAttributesNames ( )

Return the names of the attributes of this table.

a vector of string
ASDM& asdm::FieldTable::getContainer ( ) const

Return the container to which this table belongs.

the ASDM containing this table.

Referenced by checkPresenceInMemory().

Entity asdm::FieldTable::getEntity ( ) const

Return this table's Entity.

Implements asdm::Representable.

static const std::vector<std::string>& asdm::FieldTable::getKeyName ( )

Return the list of field names that make up key key as an array of strings.

a vector of string.
std::string asdm::FieldTable::getName ( ) const

Return the name of this table.

This is a instance method of the class.

the name of this table in a string.

Implements asdm::Representable.

FieldRow* asdm::FieldTable::getRowByKey ( Tag  fieldId)

Returns a FieldRow* given a key.

a pointer to the row having the key whose values are passed as parameters, or 0 if no row exists for that key.
BinaryAttributeReaderFunctor* asdm::FieldTable::getUnknownAttributeBinaryReader ( const std::string &  attributeName) const
std::string asdm::FieldTable::getVersion ( ) const

Return the version information about this table.

FieldRow* asdm::FieldTable::lookup ( std::string  fieldName,
int  numPoly,
std::vector< std::vector< Angle > >  delayDir,
std::vector< std::vector< Angle > >  phaseDir,
std::vector< std::vector< Angle > >  referenceDir 

Look up the table for a row whose all attributes except the autoincrementable one are equal to the corresponding parameters of the method.

a pointer on this row if any, null otherwise.
std::string asdm::FieldTable::MIMEXMLPart ( const asdm::ByteOrder byteOrder = asdm::ByteOrder::Machine_Endianity)

Private methods involved during the export of this table into disk file(s).

static std::string asdm::FieldTable::name ( )

Return the name of this table.

This is a static method of the class.

the name of this table in a string.
FieldRow* asdm::FieldTable::newRow ( )

====> Row creation.

Create a new row with default values.

a pointer on a FieldRow
FieldRow* asdm::FieldTable::newRow ( std::string  fieldName,
int  numPoly,
std::vector< std::vector< Angle > >  delayDir,
std::vector< std::vector< Angle > >  phaseDir,
std::vector< std::vector< Angle > >  referenceDir 

Create a new row initialized to the specified values.

a pointer on the created and initialized row.
FieldRow* asdm::FieldTable::newRow ( FieldRow row)

Create a new row using a copy constructor mechanism.

The method creates a new FieldRow owned by this. Each attribute of the created row is a (deep) copy of the corresponding attribute of row. The method does not add the created row to this, its simply parents it to this, a call to the add method has to be done in order to get the row added (very likely after having modified some of its attributes). If row is null then the method returns a new FieldRow with default values for its attributes.

rowthe row which is to be copied.
void asdm::FieldTable::setEntity ( Entity  e)

Set this table's Entity.

eAn entity.

Implements asdm::Representable.

void asdm::FieldTable::setFromFile ( const std::string &  directory)

Reads and parses a file containing a representation of a FieldTable as those produced by the toFile method.

This table is populated with the result of the parsing.

directoryThe name of the directory containing the file te be read and parsed.
ConversionExceptionIf any error occurs while reading the files in the directory or parsing them.

Referenced by checkPresenceInMemory().

void asdm::FieldTable::setFromMIME ( const std::string &  mimeMsg)

Extracts the binary part of a MIME message and deserialize its content to fill this with the result of the deserialization.

mimeMsgthe string containing the MIME message.
void asdm::FieldTable::setFromMIMEFile ( const std::string &  directory)

Private methods involved during the build of this table out of the content of file(s) containing an external representation of a Field table.

void asdm::FieldTable::setFromXMLFile ( const std::string &  directory)
void asdm::FieldTable::setUnknownAttributeBinaryReader ( const std::string &  attributeName,
BinaryAttributeReaderFunctor barFctr 
unsigned int asdm::FieldTable::size ( ) const

Return the number of rows in the table.

the number of rows in an unsigned int.

Implements asdm::Representable.

void asdm::FieldTable::toFile ( std::string  directory)

Stores a representation (binary or XML) of this table into a file.

Depending on the boolean value of its private field fileAsBin a binary serialization of this (fileAsBin==true) will be saved in a file "Field.bin" or an XML representation (fileAsBin==false) will be saved in a file "Field.xml". The file is always written in a directory whose name is passed as a parameter.

directoryThe name of directory where the file containing the table's representation will be saved.
asdmIDL::FieldTableIDL* asdm::FieldTable::toIDL ( )

Conversion Methods.

Convert this table into a FieldTableIDL CORBA structure.

a pointer to a FieldTableIDL
void asdm::FieldTable::toIDL ( asdmIDL::FieldTableIDL &  x) const

Fills the CORBA data structure passed in parameter with the content of this table.

xa reference to the asdmIDL::FieldTableIDL to be populated with the content of this.
std::string asdm::FieldTable::toMIME ( const asdm::ByteOrder byteOrder = asdm::ByteOrder::Machine_Endianity)

Serialize this into a stream of bytes and encapsulates that stream into a MIME message.

a string containing the MIME message.
byteOrdera const pointer to a static instance of the class ByteOrder.
std::string asdm::FieldTable::toXML ( )

Produces an XML representation conform to the schema defined for Field (FieldTable.xsd).

a string containing the XML representation.

Implements asdm::Representable.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class ASDM

Definition at line 234 of file FieldTable.h.

Member Data Documentation

bool asdm::FieldTable::archiveAsBin

Definition at line 490 of file FieldTable.h.

ASDM& asdm::FieldTable::container

Definition at line 488 of file FieldTable.h.

Entity asdm::FieldTable::entity

Definition at line 495 of file FieldTable.h.

bool asdm::FieldTable::fileAsBin

Definition at line 491 of file FieldTable.h.

bool asdm::FieldTable::loadInProgress

Load the table in memory if necessary.

Definition at line 605 of file FieldTable.h.

Referenced by checkPresenceInMemory().

std::map<std::string,int> asdm::FieldTable::noAutoIncIds

A map for the autoincrementation algorithm.

Definition at line 502 of file FieldTable.h.

std::vector<FieldRow * > asdm::FieldTable::privateRows

A data structure to store the pointers on the table's rows.

In all cases we maintain a private vector of FieldRow s.

Definition at line 538 of file FieldTable.h.

std::vector<FieldRow *> asdm::FieldTable::row

Definition at line 542 of file FieldTable.h.

std::map<std::string, BinaryAttributeReaderFunctor *> asdm::FieldTable::unknownAttributes2Functors

Definition at line 556 of file FieldTable.h.

std::string asdm::FieldTable::version

Definition at line 493 of file FieldTable.h.

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