30 #include <casaqt/QtBrowser/TBBrowser.ui.h>
47 class TBFilterRuleSequence;
212 void sort(std::vector<std::pair<casacore::String, bool> >& s);
217 void sort(
int i, std::vector<std::pair<casacore::String, bool> >& s);
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_SELECT_NUM
The default number of rows to load from the table at a time.
bool columnIsHidden(unsigned int index, int col)
Returns true if the indicated column on the indicated tab is hidden, false otherwise.
bool bgTaskIsRunning()
Returns true if a background task is currently running, false otherwise.
void tableOpened(casacore::String name, casacore::String fullpath)
This signal is emitted when a new table is opened and its tab added.
void findRuleAvailable()
This signal is emitted whenever the user enters a find rule for the currently selected table...
void actionUndone()
This signal is emitted whenever the latest action was undone.
std::vector< TBFilterRuleSequence * > currentFilters
Filters for all opened tables.
int addTable(casacore::String filename, bool taql, DriverParams *dp, int start, int num)
Adds a table tab from the given file, with the given parameters.
bool available
Indicates whether the browser is available.
Convenience class for a casacore::String/bool tuple.
void clearFilterOnFields()
Clears the filter on the currently selected table.
Current "view" or state of the browser that can be serialized.
void viewTableInfo()
Shows a table information panel in the side panel of the currently selected table.
QStringList getColumnsAt(unsigned int index)
Returns the column (field) names for the table at the given index.
int indexOf(TBTableTabs *tt)
Returns the index of the indicated table tabs, or -1 if the pointer is invalid.
void tabChange(int index)
Slot for when the QTabWidget detects a change in tab.
void removeActionsAssociatedWith(void *widget)
Removes all actions associated with the given object.
void exportVOTable(casacore::String file)
Exports the currently selected table to VOTable XML format to the given filename. ...
Browser widget for managing opened tables.
void removeProgressPanel(QProgressPanel *panel)
Removes the given QProgressPanel from the browser and restores it to its fully-enabled state...
bool isAvailable()
Returns true if the browser is available, false otherwise.
ABSTRACT CLASSES Abstract class for colors Any implementation of color should be able to provide a hexadecimal form of the if a human readable name(i.e."black").In many places throughout the plotter
int openedTables()
Returns the number of tables that are currently opened.
std::vector< TBTableTabs * > tables
Holds the opened tables.
bool exportHidden
Indicates whether an export thread is both active and hidden or not.
void removeActionsAssociatedWithWidget(QWidget *widget)
Removes all actions associated with the given widget.
void sort(std::vector< std::pair< casacore::String, bool > > &s)
casacore::Sort the currently selected table by the indicated fields.
Result redoAction()
Redoes the last undone action and returns the result.
void followReference(casacore::String subtable, int r)
Opens the subtable located at the given filename, and load the rows such that row r can be selected...
void openTaQL(casacore::String command)
Opens a TaQL table with the given command.
Contains an list of performed actions and a list of undone actions.
bool bgTaskRunning
Indicates whether a background task is currently running or not.
Wrapper around a QProgressPanel or other QLabel/QProgressBar pairing.
void doCloseTable()
Slot to close the currently opened table.
void filterRulesEntered(TBFilterRuleSequence *rules)
Slot for when the user has entered a filter rule.
TBTableTabs * tableAt(int i)
Return the table at index i, or NULL if the index is invalid.
Result undoAction()
Undoes the last performed action and returns the result.
void findNext(bool second=false)
If the currently selected table has a find rule, finds the next row that passes the rule...
void filterOnFields()
Shows a filter rules dialog in the side panel of the currently selected table and connects its signal...
int getNumUndoneActions()
Returns the number of undone actions.
bool filterAvailable(int index)
Returns true if the table at the given index has a filter, false otherwise.
void setColumnHidden(int col, bool hidden)
Sets whether the indicated column on the currently selected tab is hidden.
TBTableTabs * currentlySelectedTableTabs()
Returns the currently selected table tab.
void tableClosed(casacore::String name)
This signal is emitted when a table is closed and its tab removed.
TBActionList actions
Actions, both performed and undone.
Primary interface for the rest of the browser to a table.
TBTableTabs * table(casacore::String name)
Returns the TBTableTabs for the table with the given name.
int openTable(casacore::String filename, DriverParams *dp=NULL, int start=0, int num=TBConstants::DEFAULT_SELECT_NUM)
Opens a table tab from the given file, with the given parameters.
void findRulesEntered(TBFilterRuleSequence *rules, TBFilterRules *rDialog)
Slot for when the user has entered a search rule.
void formatDisplay(int i)
Displays a format dialog for the currently selected table for the field at index i, and connects the signal to format the display accordingly.
void showView(TBView *view)
Shows the given view in the browser.
Default Constructor.
void find()
Shows a find dialog, and connects the signal to run the find rules as indicated.
void disableProgressFrame()
Hides the progress frame on the bottom of the browser.
Widget to allow the user to enter a filter rule sequence.
TBView * view()
Returns the current view of the browser.
void updateEnabled()
Enable or disable the widgets based upon availability.
TBFilterRuleSequence * filterAt(int index)
Returns the filter for the table at the indicated index, or NULL if there is none.
void actionPerformed(TBAction *action)
This signal is emitted whenever an action is performed.
QTabWidget * getTabWidget()
Returns the widget managing the tabs (QTabWidget).
const Double second
Time interval [T]:
std::vector< TBFilterRuleSequence * > currentFindRules
Find rules for all opened tables.
void filterRuleCleared(int index)
This signal is emitted whenever the user clears the filter rule for the table with the given index...
void threadIsFinished()
This signal is emitted whenever a task thread has completed.
A sequence of TBFilterRules that can be used to filter rows.
QProgressPanel * progressPanel
The current progress panel, or NULL if there is none.
Convenience class with a label and progress meter.
casacore::String lastUndoneActionName()
Returns the name of the last undone action, or blank if there is none.
int getNumActions()
Returns the number of performed actions.
QProgressPanel * addProgressPanel(casacore::String label, bool hideable, bool cancelable)
Adds a QProgressPanel to the front of the browser and dims the GUI behind the progress panel...
Collection of table backend and display tabs.
void hideThread()
Slot for hiding a task thread in the background.
QErrorMessage * errorDialog
Error dialog.
ProgressHelper * enableProgressFrame(casacore::String label)
Shows the progress frame on the bottom of the browser and returns a ProgressHelper encapsulating it...
void threadFinished()
Slot for when a task thread has finished.
void filterRuleAvailable(int index)
This signal is emitted whenever the user enters a filter rule for the table with the given index...
String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters.
casacore::String closeTable()
Closes the currently selected table and returns its name.
void findPrev(bool second=false)
If the currently selected table has a find rule, finds the previous row that passes the rule...
void actionRedone()
This signal is emitted whenever the latest undone action was redone.
Result doAction(TBAction *action)
Does the specified action and returns the result.
casacore::String lastActionName()
Returns the name of the last performed action, or blank if there is none.
std::vector< casacore::String > openedTableNames()
Returns the names of all opened tables.
Parameters to indicate what driver should be used for the table backend.
Abstract parent class of any action that can be performed.
void tabChanged(int tableIndex)
This signal is emitted whenever the tab is changed.
TBTable * currentlySelectedTable()
Returns the currently selected table.
void displayError(casacore::String message)
Displays the given error in a dialog to the user.
casacore::String currentlySelectedTableName()
Returns the name of the currently selected table, or blank if there is none.
Defines nreal time structures used by the VLA table filler.
TBExportThread * exportThread
The current export thread, or NULL if there is none.
Thread that exports a table to VOTable XML format.