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casa::ImageProfileFitter Class Reference

#include <ImageProfileFitter.h>

Inheritance diagram for casa::ImageProfileFitter:
casa::ImageTask< casacore::Float >

Public Member Functions

 ImageProfileFitter (const SPCIIF image, const casacore::String &region, const casacore::Record *const &regionPtr, const casacore::String &box, const casacore::String &chans, const casacore::String &stokes, const casacore::String &mask, const casacore::Int axis, const casacore::uInt ngauss, casacore::Bool overwrite=false)
 Top level interface for one-dimensional profile fits. More...
 ImageProfileFitter (const SPCIIF image, const casacore::String &region, const casacore::Record *const &regionPtr, const casacore::String &box, const casacore::String &chans, const casacore::String &stokes, const casacore::String &mask, const casacore::Int axis, const casacore::String &estimatesFilename, casacore::Bool overwrite=false)
 Fit only Gaussian singlets and an optional polynomial. More...
 ImageProfileFitter (const SPCIIF image, const casacore::String &region, const casacore::Record *const &regionPtr, const casacore::String &box, const casacore::String &chans, const casacore::String &stokes, const casacore::String &mask, const casacore::Int axis, const SpectralList &spectralList, casacore::Bool overwrite=false)
 Fit any permitted combination of spectral components and an optional polynomial. More...
 ~ImageProfileFitter ()
 destructor More...
casacore::Record fit (casacore::Bool doDetailedResults=true)
 Do the fit. More...
casacore::Record getResults () const
 get the fit results. More...
casacore::String getClass () const
void setPolyOrder (casacore::Int p)
 set the order of a polynomial to be simultaneously fit. More...
void setDoMultiFit (const casacore::Bool m)
 set whether to do a pixel by pixel fit. More...
void setLogResults (const casacore::Bool logResults)
 set if results should be written to the logger More...
void setMinGoodPoints (const casacore::uInt mgp)
 set minimum number of good points required to attempt a fit More...
void setModel (const casacore::String &model)
 Solution images. More...
void setResidual (const casacore::String &residual)
 residual image name More...
void setAmpName (const casacore::String &s)
 gaussian amplitude image name More...
void setAmpErrName (const casacore::String &s)
 gaussian amplitude error image name More...
void setCenterName (const casacore::String &s)
 gaussian center image name More...
void setCenterErrName (const casacore::String &s)
 gaussian center error image name More...
void setFWHMName (const casacore::String &s)
 gaussian fwhm image name More...
void setFWHMErrName (const casacore::String &s)
 gaussian fwhm error image name More...
void setIntegralName (const casacore::String &s)
 gaussian integral image name More...
void setIntegralErrName (const casacore::String &s)
 gaussian integral error image name More...
void setPLPName (const casacore::String &s)
 set the name of the power logarithmic polynomial image. More...
void setPLPErrName (const casacore::String &s)
 set the name of the power logarithmic polynomial image. More...
void setLTPName (const casacore::String &s)
 set the name of the logarithmic transformed polynomial image. More...
void setLTPErrName (const casacore::String &s)
 set the name of the logarithmic transformed polynomial image. More...
void setGoodAmpRange (const casacore::Double min, const casacore::Double max)
 set the range over which PFC amplitude solutions are valid More...
void setGoodCenterRange (const casacore::Double min, const casacore::Double max)
 set the range over which PFC center solutions are valid More...
void setGoodFWHMRange (const casacore::Double min, const casacore::Double max)
 set the range over which PFC FWHM solutions are valid More...
void setSigma (const casacore::Array< casacore::Float > &sigma)
 set standard deviation image More...
void setSigma (const casacore::ImageInterface< casacore::Float > *const &sigma)
void setOutputSigmaImage (const casacore::String &s)
const casacore::Array
< std::shared_ptr
< ProfileFitResults > > & 
getFitters () const
casacore::Double getWorldValue (casacore::Double pixelVal, const casacore::IPosition &imPos, const casacore::String &units, casacore::Bool velocity, casacore::Bool wavelength, casacore::Int tabularIndex=-1, casacore::MFrequency::Types type=casacore::MFrequency::DEFAULT) const
 Converts a pixel value into a world value either in velocity, wavelength, or frequency units. More...
void setAbscissaDivisor (casacore::Double d)
void setAbscissaDivisor (const casacore::Quantity &q)
void createResidualImage (casacore::Bool b)
 for backward compatibility with ia.continuumsub. More...
SPIIF getResidual () const
void setGoodPlanes (const std::set< casacore::uInt > &planes)
 set the planes along the fit axis that are considered good for performing the fits. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from casa::ImageTask< casacore::Float >
virtual ~ImageTask ()
void setStretch (const casacore::Bool stretch)
void setLogfile (const casacore::String &lf)
 tacitly does nothing if lf is the empty string. More...
void setLogfileAppend (const casacore::Bool a)
void setRegion (const casacore::Record &region)
void setMask (const casacore::String &mask)
void setVerbosity (Verbosity verbosity)
void addHistory (const std::vector< std::pair< casacore::String, casacore::String > > &msgs) const
 These messages will appear in the product image history upon the call to _prepareOutputImage(). More...
void addHistory (const casacore::LogOrigin &origin, const casacore::String &msg) const
void addHistory (const casacore::LogOrigin &origin, const std::vector< casacore::String > &msgs) const
void addHistory (const casacore::LogOrigin &origin, const casacore::String &taskname, const std::vector< casacore::String > &paramNames, const std::vector< casac::variant > &paramValues) const
 This adds standard history messages regarding the task that was run and input parameters used. More...
void suppressHistoryWriting (casacore::Bool b)
 suppress writing the history on _prepareOutputImage() call. More...
std::vector< std::pair
< casacore::String,
casacore::String > > 
getHistory ()
 get the history associated with the task. More...
void setDropDegen (casacore::Bool d)

Protected Member Functions

CasacRegionManager::StokesControl _getStokesControl () const
< casacore::Coordinate::Type
_getNecessaryCoordinates () const
 Represents the minimum set of coordinates necessary for the task to function. More...
casacore::Bool _hasLogfileSupport () const
 by default, derived classes are configured to have no log file support. More...
casacore::Bool _supportsMultipleRegions () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from casa::ImageTask< casacore::Float >
 ImageTask (const SPCIIT image, const casacore::String &region, const casacore::Record *const &regionPtr, const casacore::String &box, const casacore::String &chanInp, const casacore::String &stokes, const casacore::String &maskInp, const casacore::String &outname, casacore::Bool overwrite)
 if outname is empty, no image will be written if overwrite is True, if image already exists it will be removed if overwrite is False, if image already exists exception will be thrown More...
 ImageTask (const SPCIIT image, const casacore::Record *const &regionPtr, const casacore::String &mask, const casacore::String &outname, casacore::Bool overwrite)
virtual void _construct (casacore::Bool verbose=true)
 does the lion's share of constructing the object, ie checks validity of inputs, etc. More...
const SPCIIT _getImage () const
const casacore::String_getMask () const
const casacore::Record_getRegion () const
void _setStokes (const casacore::String &stokes)
const casacore::String_getStokes () const
const casacore::String_getChans () const
const casacore::String_getOutname () const
casacore::Bool _isPVImage () const
 Is the attached image a position-velocity (PV) image? More...
void _removeExistingOutfileIfNecessary () const
void _removeExistingFileIfNecessary (const casacore::String &filename, const casacore::Bool overwrite, casacore::Bool warnOnly=false) const
 if warnOnly is true, log a warning message if file exists and overwrite is true, else throw an exception. More...
casacore::String _summaryHeader () const
const std::shared_ptr
< casacore::LogIO
_getLog () const
casacore::Bool _getStretch () const
Bool _getSuppressHistory () const
const std::shared_ptr< LogFile_getLogFile () const
casacore::Bool _writeLogfile (const casacore::String &output, const casacore::Bool open=true, const casacore::Bool close=true)
casacore::Bool _openLogfile ()
void _closeLogfile () const
virtual casacore::Bool _supportsMultipleBeams () const
 does this task support images with multiple beams? false means it never does. More...
SPIIT _prepareOutputImage (const casacore::ImageInterface< casacore::Float > &image, const casacore::Array< casacore::Float > *const values, const casacore::ArrayLattice< casacore::Bool > *const mask=nullptr, const casacore::IPosition *const outShape=nullptr, const casacore::CoordinateSystem *const coordsys=nullptr, const casacore::String *const outname=nullptr, casacore::Bool overwrite=false, casacore::Bool dropDegen=false) const
 If outname != NULL, use the value supplied. More...
SPIIT _prepareOutputImage (const casacore::ImageInterface< casacore::Float > &image, casacore::Bool dropDegen=false) const
SPIIT _prepareOutputImage (const casacore::ImageInterface< casacore::Float > &image, const casacore::String &outname, casacore::Bool overwrite, casacore::Bool warnOnly) const
 if warnOnly is true, only log a warning message if the file exists and overwrite is true, else throw an excepction More...
SPIIT _prepareOutputImage (const casacore::ImageInterface< casacore::Float > &image, const casacore::Lattice< casacore::Float > &data) const
 data are copied to the output image from the data lattice. More...
Verbosity _getVerbosity () const
casacore::Bool _getOverwrite () const
virtual casacore::Bool _mustHaveSquareDirectionPixels () const
casacore::Bool _getDropDegen () const
void _doHistory (std::shared_ptr< casacore::ImageInterface< U >> &image) const
void _reportOldNewImageShapes (const ImageInterface< casacore::Float > &out) const
void _reportOldNewImageShapes (const IPosition &outShape) const

Private Member Functions

< OutputDestinationChecker::OutputStruct
_getOutputStruct ()
void _checkNGaussAndPolyOrder () const
void _finishConstruction ()
void _fitallprofiles ()
 moved from ImageAnalysis More...
void _fitProfiles (const casacore::Bool showProgress)
 Fit all profiles in image. More...
void _flagFitterIfNecessary (ImageFit1D< casacore::Float > &fitter) const
 casacore::Bool _inVelocitySpace() const; More...
casacore::Bool _isPCFSolutionOK (const PCFSpectralElement *const &pcf) const
void _loopOverFits (SPCIIF fitData, casacore::Bool showProgress, std::shared_ptr< casacore::ProgressMeter > progressMeter, casacore::Bool checkMinPts, const casacore::Array< casacore::Bool > &fitMask, ImageFit1D< casacore::Float >::AbcissaType abcissaType, const casacore::IPosition &fitterShape, const casacore::IPosition &sliceShape, const std::set< casacore::uInt > goodPlanes)
void _setAbscissaDivisorIfNecessary (const casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > &abscissaValues)
casacore::Bool _setFitterElements (ImageFit1D< casacore::Float > &fitter, SpectralList &newEstimates, const casacore::PtrHolder< const PolynomialSpectralElement > &polyEl, const std::vector< casacore::IPosition > &goodPos, const casacore::IPosition &fitterShape, const casacore::IPosition &curPos, casacore::uInt nOrigComps) const
void _updateModelAndResidual (casacore::Bool fitOK, const ImageFit1D< casacore::Float > &fitter, const casacore::IPosition &sliceShape, const casacore::IPosition &curPos, casacore::Lattice< casacore::Bool > *const &pFitMask, casacore::Lattice< casacore::Bool > *const &pResidMask) const
casacore::uInt _nUnknowns () const
 only implemented for the simplest cases so far More...

Private Attributes

casacore::String _residual
casacore::String _model
casacore::String _xUnit
casacore::String _centerName
casacore::String _centerErrName
casacore::String _fwhmName
casacore::String _fwhmErrName
casacore::String _ampName
casacore::String _ampErrName
casacore::String _integralName
casacore::String _integralErrName
casacore::String _plpName
casacore::String _plpErrName
casacore::String _ltpName
casacore::String _ltpErrName
casacore::String _sigmaName
casacore::String _abscissaDivisorForDisplay
casacore::Bool _multiFit
casacore::Bool _logResults
casacore::Bool _isSpectralIndex
casacore::Bool _createResid
casacore::Bool _overwrite
casacore::Bool _storeFits
casacore::Int _polyOrder
casacore::Int _fitAxis
casacore::uInt _nGaussSinglets
casacore::uInt _nGaussMultiplets
casacore::uInt _nLorentzSinglets
casacore::uInt _nPLPCoeffs
casacore::uInt _nLTPCoeffs
casacore::uInt _minGoodPoints
casacore::uInt _nProfiles
casacore::uInt _nAttempted
casacore::uInt _nSucceeded
casacore::uInt _nConverged
casacore::uInt _nValid
< std::shared_ptr
< ProfileFitResults > > 
std::shared_ptr< const
< casacore::Float > > 
 subimage contains the region of the original image on which the fit is performed. More...
casacore::Record _results
SpectralList _nonPolyEstimates
casacore::PtrHolder< std::pair
< casacore::Double,
casacore::Double > > 
casacore::PtrHolder< std::pair
< casacore::Double,
casacore::Double > > 
casacore::PtrHolder< std::pair
< casacore::Double,
casacore::Double > > 
< casacore::String
< casacore::TempImage
< casacore::Float > > 
casacore::Double _abscissaDivisor
SPIIF _modelImage
SPIIF _residImage
std::set< casacore::uInt_goodPlanes
 planes along _fitAxis to use in fits, empty => use all planes originally used to support continuum subtraction More...
casacore::Bool _haveWarnedAboutGuessingGaussians

Static Private Attributes

static const casacore::String _class

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from casa::ImageTask< casacore::Float >
enum  Verbosity
 Virtual base class for image analysis tasks. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from casa::ImageTask< casacore::Float >
static void _copyMask (casacore::Lattice< casacore::Bool > &mask, const casacore::ImageInterface< casacore::Float > &image)
static void _copyData (casacore::Lattice< casacore::Float > &data, const casacore::Lattice< casacore::Float > &image)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 43 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

casa::ImageProfileFitter::ImageProfileFitter ( const SPCIIF  image,
const casacore::String region,
const casacore::Record *const &  regionPtr,
const casacore::String box,
const casacore::String chans,
const casacore::String stokes,
const casacore::String mask,
const casacore::Int  axis,
const casacore::uInt  ngauss,
casacore::Bool  overwrite = false 

Top level interface for one-dimensional profile fits.


Fits one-dimensional profiles.


Top level interface for one-dimensional profile fits.


ImageProfileFitter fitter(...)

constructor appropriate for API calls. Parameters: image - the input image in which to fit the models box - A 2-D rectangular box in direction space in which to use pixels for the fitting, eg box=100,120,200,230 In cases where both box and region are specified, box, not region, is used. region - Named region to use for fitting. "" => Don't use a named region regPtr - Pointer to a region record. 0 => don't use a region record. chans - Zero-based channel range on which to do the fit. stokes - casacore::Stokes plane on which to do the fit. Only a single casacore::Stokes parameter can be specified. Only a maximum of one of region, regionPtr, or box/stokes/chans should be specified. mask - Mask (as LEL) to use as a way to specify which pixels to use </src> axis - axis along which to do the fits. If <0, use spectral axis, and if no spectral axis, use zeroth axis. ngauss number of single gaussians to fit. estimatesFilename file containing initial estimates for single gaussians. spectralList spectral list containing initial estimates of single gaussians. Do not put a polynomial in here; set that with setPolyOrder().

Fit only Gaussian singlets and an optional polynomial. In this case, the code guestimates initial estimates for the specified number of Gaussian singlets. If you only wish to fit a polynomial, you must use this constructor and you must set ngauss to zero. After construction, you must call setPolyOrder().

casa::ImageProfileFitter::ImageProfileFitter ( const SPCIIF  image,
const casacore::String region,
const casacore::Record *const &  regionPtr,
const casacore::String box,
const casacore::String chans,
const casacore::String stokes,
const casacore::String mask,
const casacore::Int  axis,
const casacore::String estimatesFilename,
casacore::Bool  overwrite = false 

Fit only Gaussian singlets and an optional polynomial.

In this case, the number of Gaussian singlets is deduced from the specified estimates file.

casa::ImageProfileFitter::ImageProfileFitter ( const SPCIIF  image,
const casacore::String region,
const casacore::Record *const &  regionPtr,
const casacore::String box,
const casacore::String chans,
const casacore::String stokes,
const casacore::String mask,
const casacore::Int  axis,
const SpectralList spectralList,
casacore::Bool  overwrite = false 

Fit any permitted combination of spectral components and an optional polynomial.

All components to be fit (except a possible polynomial) must be represented with initial estimates in spectralList.

casa::ImageProfileFitter::~ImageProfileFitter ( )


Member Function Documentation

void casa::ImageProfileFitter::_checkNGaussAndPolyOrder ( ) const
void casa::ImageProfileFitter::_finishConstruction ( )
void casa::ImageProfileFitter::_fitallprofiles ( )

moved from ImageAnalysis

void casa::ImageProfileFitter::_fitProfiles ( const casacore::Bool  showProgress)

Fit all profiles in image.

The output images must be already created; if the pointer is 0, that image won't be filled. The mask from the input image is transferred to the output images. If the weights image is pointer is non-zero, the values from it will be used to weight the data points in the fit. You can fit some combination of gaussians and a polynomial (-1 means no polynomial). Initial estimates are not required. Fits are done in image space to provide astronomer friendly results, but pixel space is better for the fitter when fitting polynomials. Thus, atm, callers should be aware that fitting polynomials may fail even when the data lie exactly on a polynomial curve. This will probably be fixed in the future by doing the fits in pixel space here and requiring the caller to deal with converting to something astronomer friendly if it so desires.

void casa::ImageProfileFitter::_flagFitterIfNecessary ( ImageFit1D< casacore::Float > &  fitter) const

casacore::Bool _inVelocitySpace() const;

std::vector<casacore::Coordinate::Type> casa::ImageProfileFitter::_getNecessaryCoordinates ( ) const

Represents the minimum set of coordinates necessary for the task to function.

Implements casa::ImageTask< casacore::Float >.

Definition at line 235 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

std::vector<OutputDestinationChecker::OutputStruct> casa::ImageProfileFitter::_getOutputStruct ( )
CasacRegionManager::StokesControl casa::ImageProfileFitter::_getStokesControl ( ) const
casacore::Bool casa::ImageProfileFitter::_hasLogfileSupport ( ) const

by default, derived classes are configured to have no log file support.

Reimplemented from casa::ImageTask< casacore::Float >.

Definition at line 239 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

casacore::Bool casa::ImageProfileFitter::_isPCFSolutionOK ( const PCFSpectralElement *const &  pcf) const
void casa::ImageProfileFitter::_loopOverFits ( SPCIIF  fitData,
casacore::Bool  showProgress,
std::shared_ptr< casacore::ProgressMeter progressMeter,
casacore::Bool  checkMinPts,
const casacore::Array< casacore::Bool > &  fitMask,
ImageFit1D< casacore::Float >::AbcissaType  abcissaType,
const casacore::IPosition fitterShape,
const casacore::IPosition sliceShape,
const std::set< casacore::uInt goodPlanes 
casacore::uInt casa::ImageProfileFitter::_nUnknowns ( ) const

only implemented for the simplest cases so far

void casa::ImageProfileFitter::_setAbscissaDivisorIfNecessary ( const casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > &  abscissaValues)
casacore::Bool casa::ImageProfileFitter::_setFitterElements ( ImageFit1D< casacore::Float > &  fitter,
SpectralList newEstimates,
const casacore::PtrHolder< const PolynomialSpectralElement > &  polyEl,
const std::vector< casacore::IPosition > &  goodPos,
const casacore::IPosition fitterShape,
const casacore::IPosition curPos,
casacore::uInt  nOrigComps 
) const
casacore::Bool casa::ImageProfileFitter::_supportsMultipleRegions ( ) const

Reimplemented from casa::ImageTask< casacore::Float >.

Definition at line 241 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

void casa::ImageProfileFitter::_updateModelAndResidual ( casacore::Bool  fitOK,
const ImageFit1D< casacore::Float > &  fitter,
const casacore::IPosition sliceShape,
const casacore::IPosition curPos,
casacore::Lattice< casacore::Bool > *const &  pFitMask,
casacore::Lattice< casacore::Bool > *const &  pResidMask 
) const
void casa::ImageProfileFitter::createResidualImage ( casacore::Bool  b)

for backward compatibility with ia.continuumsub.

If no residual image has been provided, a casacore::TempImage is created.

Definition at line 219 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

References _createResid.

casacore::Record casa::ImageProfileFitter::fit ( casacore::Bool  doDetailedResults = true)

Do the fit.

If doDetailedResults is false, an empty casacore::Record is returned.

casacore::String casa::ImageProfileFitter::getClass ( ) const

Implements casa::ImageTask< casacore::Float >.

Definition at line 130 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

References _class.

const casacore::Array<std::shared_ptr<ProfileFitResults> >& casa::ImageProfileFitter::getFitters ( ) const
SPIIF casa::ImageProfileFitter::getResidual ( ) const

Definition at line 221 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

References _residImage.

casacore::Record casa::ImageProfileFitter::getResults ( ) const

get the fit results.

If fit was run with doDetailedResults=false, an empty casacore::Record is returned

casacore::Double casa::ImageProfileFitter::getWorldValue ( casacore::Double  pixelVal,
const casacore::IPosition imPos,
const casacore::String units,
casacore::Bool  velocity,
casacore::Bool  wavelength,
casacore::Int  tabularIndex = -1,
casacore::MFrequency::Types  type = casacore::MFrequency::DEFAULT 
) const

Converts a pixel value into a world value either in velocity, wavelength, or frequency units.

If the tabular index >= 0, it uses the tabular index for conversion with the specified casacore::MFrequency type, otherwise, it uses the spectral axis for conversion.

void casa::ImageProfileFitter::setAbscissaDivisor ( casacore::Double  d)
void casa::ImageProfileFitter::setAbscissaDivisor ( const casacore::Quantity q)
void casa::ImageProfileFitter::setAmpErrName ( const casacore::String s)

gaussian amplitude error image name

Definition at line 156 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

References _ampErrName.

void casa::ImageProfileFitter::setAmpName ( const casacore::String s)

gaussian amplitude image name

Definition at line 154 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

References _ampName.

void casa::ImageProfileFitter::setCenterErrName ( const casacore::String s)

gaussian center error image name

Definition at line 160 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

References _centerErrName.

void casa::ImageProfileFitter::setCenterName ( const casacore::String s)

gaussian center image name

Definition at line 158 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

References _centerName.

void casa::ImageProfileFitter::setDoMultiFit ( const casacore::Bool  m)

set whether to do a pixel by pixel fit.

Definition at line 136 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

References _multiFit.

void casa::ImageProfileFitter::setFWHMErrName ( const casacore::String s)

gaussian fwhm error image name

Definition at line 164 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

References _fwhmErrName.

void casa::ImageProfileFitter::setFWHMName ( const casacore::String s)

gaussian fwhm image name

Definition at line 162 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

References _fwhmName.

void casa::ImageProfileFitter::setGoodAmpRange ( const casacore::Double  min,
const casacore::Double  max 

set the range over which PFC amplitude solutions are valid

void casa::ImageProfileFitter::setGoodCenterRange ( const casacore::Double  min,
const casacore::Double  max 

set the range over which PFC center solutions are valid

void casa::ImageProfileFitter::setGoodFWHMRange ( const casacore::Double  min,
const casacore::Double  max 

set the range over which PFC FWHM solutions are valid

void casa::ImageProfileFitter::setGoodPlanes ( const std::set< casacore::uInt > &  planes)

set the planes along the fit axis that are considered good for performing the fits.

An empty vector implies that all planes are considered "good".

Definition at line 227 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

References _goodPlanes.

void casa::ImageProfileFitter::setIntegralErrName ( const casacore::String s)

gaussian integral error image name

Definition at line 168 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

References _integralErrName.

void casa::ImageProfileFitter::setIntegralName ( const casacore::String s)

gaussian integral image name

Definition at line 166 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

References _integralName.

void casa::ImageProfileFitter::setLogResults ( const casacore::Bool  logResults)

set if results should be written to the logger

Definition at line 139 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

References _logResults.

void casa::ImageProfileFitter::setLTPErrName ( const casacore::String s)

set the name of the logarithmic transformed polynomial image.

Definition at line 181 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

References _ltpErrName.

void casa::ImageProfileFitter::setLTPName ( const casacore::String s)

set the name of the logarithmic transformed polynomial image.

Definition at line 178 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

References _ltpName.

void casa::ImageProfileFitter::setMinGoodPoints ( const casacore::uInt  mgp)

set minimum number of good points required to attempt a fit

Definition at line 142 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

References _minGoodPoints, and ThrowIf.

void casa::ImageProfileFitter::setModel ( const casacore::String model)

Solution images.

Only written if _multifit is true model image name

Definition at line 150 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

References _model.

void casa::ImageProfileFitter::setOutputSigmaImage ( const casacore::String s)

Definition at line 198 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

References _sigmaName.

void casa::ImageProfileFitter::setPLPErrName ( const casacore::String s)

set the name of the power logarithmic polynomial image.

Definition at line 175 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

References _plpErrName.

void casa::ImageProfileFitter::setPLPName ( const casacore::String s)

set the name of the power logarithmic polynomial image.

Definition at line 172 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

References _plpName.

void casa::ImageProfileFitter::setPolyOrder ( casacore::Int  p)

set the order of a polynomial to be simultaneously fit.

void casa::ImageProfileFitter::setResidual ( const casacore::String residual)

residual image name

Definition at line 152 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

References _residual.

void casa::ImageProfileFitter::setSigma ( const casacore::Array< casacore::Float > &  sigma)

set standard deviation image

void casa::ImageProfileFitter::setSigma ( const casacore::ImageInterface< casacore::Float > *const &  sigma)

Member Data Documentation

casacore::Double casa::ImageProfileFitter::_abscissaDivisor

Definition at line 264 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

casacore::String casa::ImageProfileFitter::_abscissaDivisorForDisplay

Definition at line 244 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

casacore::String casa::ImageProfileFitter::_ampErrName

Definition at line 244 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

Referenced by setAmpErrName().

casacore::String casa::ImageProfileFitter::_ampName

Definition at line 244 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

Referenced by setAmpName().

casacore::String casa::ImageProfileFitter::_centerErrName

Definition at line 244 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

Referenced by setCenterErrName().

casacore::String casa::ImageProfileFitter::_centerName

Definition at line 244 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

Referenced by setCenterName().

const casacore::String casa::ImageProfileFitter::_class

Definition at line 270 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

Referenced by getClass().

casacore::Bool casa::ImageProfileFitter::_createResid

Definition at line 249 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

Referenced by createResidualImage().

casacore::Int casa::ImageProfileFitter::_fitAxis

Definition at line 251 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

casacore::Array<std::shared_ptr<ProfileFitResults> > casa::ImageProfileFitter::_fitters

Definition at line 255 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

casacore::String casa::ImageProfileFitter::_fwhmErrName

Definition at line 244 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

Referenced by setFWHMErrName().

casacore::String casa::ImageProfileFitter::_fwhmName

Definition at line 244 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

Referenced by setFWHMName().

casacore::PtrHolder<std::pair<casacore::Double, casacore::Double> > casa::ImageProfileFitter::_goodAmpRange

Definition at line 261 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

casacore::PtrHolder<std::pair<casacore::Double, casacore::Double> > casa::ImageProfileFitter::_goodCenterRange

Definition at line 261 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

casacore::PtrHolder<std::pair<casacore::Double, casacore::Double> > casa::ImageProfileFitter::_goodFWHMRange

Definition at line 261 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

std::set<casacore::uInt> casa::ImageProfileFitter::_goodPlanes

planes along _fitAxis to use in fits, empty => use all planes originally used to support continuum subtraction

Definition at line 268 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

Referenced by setGoodPlanes().

casacore::Bool casa::ImageProfileFitter::_haveWarnedAboutGuessingGaussians

Definition at line 272 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

casacore::String casa::ImageProfileFitter::_integralErrName

Definition at line 244 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

Referenced by setIntegralErrName().

casacore::String casa::ImageProfileFitter::_integralName

Definition at line 244 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

Referenced by setIntegralName().

casacore::Bool casa::ImageProfileFitter::_isSpectralIndex

Definition at line 249 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

casacore::Bool casa::ImageProfileFitter::_logResults

Definition at line 249 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

Referenced by setLogResults().

casacore::String casa::ImageProfileFitter::_ltpErrName

Definition at line 244 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

Referenced by setLTPErrName().

casacore::String casa::ImageProfileFitter::_ltpName

Definition at line 244 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

Referenced by setLTPName().

casacore::uInt casa::ImageProfileFitter::_minGoodPoints

Definition at line 252 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

Referenced by setMinGoodPoints().

casacore::String casa::ImageProfileFitter::_model

Definition at line 244 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

Referenced by setModel().

SPIIF casa::ImageProfileFitter::_modelImage

Definition at line 265 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

casacore::Bool casa::ImageProfileFitter::_multiFit

Definition at line 249 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

Referenced by setDoMultiFit().

casacore::uInt casa::ImageProfileFitter::_nAttempted

Definition at line 252 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

casacore::uInt casa::ImageProfileFitter::_nConverged

Definition at line 252 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

casacore::uInt casa::ImageProfileFitter::_nGaussMultiplets

Definition at line 252 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

casacore::uInt casa::ImageProfileFitter::_nGaussSinglets

Definition at line 252 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

casacore::uInt casa::ImageProfileFitter::_nLorentzSinglets

Definition at line 252 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

casacore::uInt casa::ImageProfileFitter::_nLTPCoeffs

Definition at line 252 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

SpectralList casa::ImageProfileFitter::_nonPolyEstimates

Definition at line 260 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

casacore::uInt casa::ImageProfileFitter::_nPLPCoeffs

Definition at line 252 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

casacore::uInt casa::ImageProfileFitter::_nProfiles

Definition at line 252 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

casacore::uInt casa::ImageProfileFitter::_nSucceeded

Definition at line 252 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

casacore::uInt casa::ImageProfileFitter::_nValid

Definition at line 252 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

casacore::Bool casa::ImageProfileFitter::_overwrite

Definition at line 249 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

casacore::String casa::ImageProfileFitter::_plpErrName

Definition at line 244 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

Referenced by setPLPErrName().

casacore::String casa::ImageProfileFitter::_plpName

Definition at line 244 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

Referenced by setPLPName().

casacore::Int casa::ImageProfileFitter::_polyOrder

Definition at line 251 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

SPIIF casa::ImageProfileFitter::_residImage

Definition at line 265 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

Referenced by getResidual().

casacore::String casa::ImageProfileFitter::_residual

Definition at line 244 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

Referenced by setResidual().

casacore::Record casa::ImageProfileFitter::_results

Definition at line 259 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

std::shared_ptr<casacore::TempImage<casacore::Float> > casa::ImageProfileFitter::_sigma

Definition at line 263 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

casacore::String casa::ImageProfileFitter::_sigmaName

Definition at line 244 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

Referenced by setOutputSigmaImage().

casacore::Bool casa::ImageProfileFitter::_storeFits

Definition at line 249 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

std::shared_ptr<const casacore::SubImage<casacore::Float> > casa::ImageProfileFitter::_subImage

subimage contains the region of the original image on which the fit is performed.

Definition at line 258 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

casacore::Matrix<casacore::String> casa::ImageProfileFitter::_worldCoords

Definition at line 262 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

casacore::String casa::ImageProfileFitter::_xUnit

Definition at line 244 of file ImageProfileFitter.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: