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1 //# FITSIDItoMS.h: Convert a FITS-IDI binary table to an AIPS++ Table.
2 //# Copyright (C) 1995,1996,2000,2001
3 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
4 //#
5 //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
7 //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
8 //# option) any later version.
9 //#
10 //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11 //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
12 //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
13 //# License for more details.
14 //#
15 //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
16 //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18 //#
19 //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
20 //# Internet email:
21 //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
22 //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory
23 //# 520 Edgemont Road
24 //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
25 //#
26 //# $Id$
27 //# Mod 2010: DP
32 #include <casacore/casa/aips.h>
33 #include <casacore/fits/FITS/hdu.h>
45 #include <map>
47 namespace casacore { //# NAMESPACE CASACORE - BEGIN
49 class MSColumns;
50 class FitsInput;
53 // <summary>
54 // FITSIDItoMS converts a FITS-IDI file to a CASA Measurement Set
55 // </summary>
57 // <use visibility=export>
59 // <reviewed reviewer="" date="" tests="">
61 // <prerequisite>
62 //# Classes you should understand before using this one.
63 // <li> FitsInput
64 // <li> HeaderDataUnit
65 // <li> BinaryTableExtension
66 // <li> Tables module
67 // </prerequisite>
69 // <etymology>
71 // FITSIDItoMS inherits from the FITS BinaryTableExtension class and
72 // its primary use is to convert such an object to a CASA Table.
73 // This explains it's use but not its name. A better name should be
74 // found.
76 // </etymology>
78 // <synopsis>
79 // The class starts with an already existing FitsInput object, which
80 // should be set at a BinaryTableExtension HDU. Member functions
81 // provide a TableDesc appropriate for the FITS data (to help in
82 // constructing a CASA Table compatible with the
83 // BinaryTableExtension), a Table containing the current row of FITS
84 // data and a Table containing the next row of FITS data (which can be
85 // used to step through the FitsInput, copying each row using the
86 // RowCopier class), and a Table containin the entire FITS binary
87 // table from the current row to the end of the table.
88 // </synopsis>
90 // <motivation>
91 // We need a way to get FITS-IDI data (typically from VLBI observations) into CASA.
92 // </motivation>
94 // <example>
95 // Open a FitsInput from a disk file, if the HDU is a
96 // BinaryTableExtension, then instantiate a MSBinaryTable object and
97 // get the entire table. A fair amount of error checking has been
98 // eliminated from this example.
99 // <srcblock>
100 // FitsInput infits("myFITSFile", FITS::Disk);
101 // switch (infits.hdutype()) {
102 // case FITS::BinaryTableHDU:
103 // MSBinaryTable bintab(infits);
104 // Table tab = bintab.fullTable("myTable");
105 // break;
106 // }
107 // </srcblock>
108 // There would obviously be other cases to the switch to deal with any
109 // other HDUs (e.g. skip them via infits.skip_hdu()). The Table
110 // destructor would write "myTable" to disk.
111 // </example>
113 // <todo>
114 //
115 // </todo>
118 {
119 public:
121  //
122  // The only constructor is from a FitsInput. The correlat string
123  // should be set to the correlator name/type as contained in the
124  // CORRELAT keyword from the FITS-IDI primary header. If it is set
125  // to "DIFX" (case-sensitive) additional digital corrections
126  // appropriate for the DiFX software correlator will be applied.
127  // Other valid values include "VLBA" (for the original VLBA hardware
128  // correlator; currently unsupported) and "SFXC" (for the SFXC
129  // software correlator used by the EVN).
130  //
132  FITSIDItoMS1(FitsInput& in, const String& correlat, const Int& obsType=0, const Bool& initFirstMain=True);
134  ~FITSIDItoMS1();
136  //
137  // Get the full table, using the supplied arguments to construct
138  // the table. The table will contain all data from the current
139  // row to the end of the BinaryTableExtension.
140  //
142  Table oldfullTable(const String& tabName);
145  // Fill the Observation and ObsLog tables
146  void fillObsTables();
148  // Read a binary table extension of type ANTENNA and create an antenna table
149  //void fillAntennaTable(BinaryTable& bt);
150  void fillAntennaTable();
152  // fill the Feed table with minimal info needed for synthesis processing
153  void fillFeedTable();
155  //fill the Field table
156  //void fillFieldTable(Int nField);
157  void fillFieldTable();
159  //fill the Spectral Window table with the content of FREQUENCY
162  //fill the optional Correlator Model table with the content of INTERFEROMETER_MODEL
165  //fill the optional SysCal table with the content of SYSTEM_TEMPERATURE
168  //fill the optional FlagCmd table with the content of FLAG
171  //fill the optional Weather table with the content of WEATHER
174  //store the information from the GAIN_CURVE table in a calibration table
177  //store the information from the PHASE-CAL table in a calibration table
180  //store the information from the MODEL_COMPS table
183  // fix up the EPOCH MEASURE_REFERENCE keywords
184  void fixEpochReferences();
186  //update the Polarization table
187  void updateTables(const String& tabName);
190  //
191  // Get an appropriate TableDesc (this is the same TableDesc used
192  // to construct any Table objects returned by this class.
193  //
194  const TableDesc& getDescriptor();
196  //
197  // Return the Table keywords (this is the same TableRecord used in
198  // any Table objects returned by this class.
199  //
202  //
203  // Get a Table with a single row, the current row of the FITS
204  // table. The returned Table is a Scratch table. The standard
205  // BinaryTableExtension manipulation functions are available to
206  // position the FITS input at the desired location.
207  //
208  const Table &thisRow();
210  //
211  // Get a Table with a single row, the next row of the FITS table.
212  // The returned Table is a Scratch table. The FITS input is
213  // positioned to the next row and the values translated and
214  // returned in a Table object.
215  //
216  const Table &nextRow();
218  // Get the version of the archived MS.
219  Float msVersion() const
220  { return itsVersion; }
222  // Read all the data from the FITS file and create the MeasurementSet. Throws
223  // an exception when it has severe trouble interpreting the FITS file.
224  // Returns False if it encounters an unsupported extension.
225  Bool readFitsFile(const String& msFile);
227  //is this the first UV_DATA extension
230 protected:
231  // Read the axis info, throws an exception if required axes are missing.
232  void getAxisInfo();
234  // Set up the MeasurementSet, including StorageManagers and fixed columns.
235  // If useTSM is True, the Tiled Storage Manager will be used to store
237  void setupMeasurementSet(const String& MSFileName, Bool useTSM=True,
238  Bool mainTbl=False, Bool addCorrMod=False,
239  Bool addSyscal=False, Bool addWeather=False);
241  // Fill the main table from the Primary group data
242  void fillMSMainTable(const String& MSFileName, Int& nField, Int& nSpW);
244  private:
245  //
246  //# Data Members
247  //
249  // The scratch table containing the current row
252  // The number of elements for each column of the
253  // BinaryTableExtension
256  // For each column: is it an array?
259  // Table keyword set
262  // Table descriptor for construction
265  // Table info
268  // The MS version.
271  //
272  // Buffer for storing the MSK's, MS-specific FITS keywords.
273  //
281  //# FitsInput &infile_p;
288  static String array_p;
291  static Double rdate;
297  //# Int nIF_p;
304  static Bool firstMain;
314  static std::map<Int,Int> antIdFromNo;
315  static std::map<Int,Int> digiLevels;
318  //
319  //# Member Functions
320  //
322  // Fill in each row as needed
323  void fillRow();
325  // Build part of the keywords of the itsCurRowTab
326  void convertKeywords();
328  // Convert FITS field descriptions to TableColumn descriptions.
329  void describeColumns();
331  // Convert the MS-specific keywords in the FITS binary table.
332  void convertMSKeywords();
333 };
338 #endif
MeasurementSet ms_p
Definition: FitsIDItoMS.h:302
FITSIDItoMS converts a FITS-IDI file to a CASA Measurement Set.
Definition: FitsIDItoMS.h:117
static std::map< Int, Int > antIdFromNo
Definition: FitsIDItoMS.h:314
int Int
Definition: aipstype.h:50
TableInfo itsTableInfo
Table info.
Definition: FitsIDItoMS.h:266
FITSIDItoMS1(FitsInput &in, const String &correlat, const Int &obsType=0, const Bool &initFirstMain=True)
The only constructor is from a FitsInput.
Vector< String > itsMSKV
Definition: FitsIDItoMS.h:277
void getAxisInfo()
Read the axis info, throws an exception if required axes are missing.
const Table & nextRow()
Get a Table with a single row, the next row of the FITS table.
void describeColumns()
Convert FITS field descriptions to TableColumn descriptions.
Bool readFitsFile(const String &msFile)
Read all the data from the FITS file and create the MeasurementSet.
Main interface class to a read/write table.
Definition: Table.h:153
BINTABLE extension.
Definition: hdu.h:1035
Table itsCurRowTab
The scratch table containing the current row.
Definition: FitsIDItoMS.h:250
Bool fillSysCalTable()
fill the optional SysCal table with the content of SYSTEM_TEMPERATURE
void fillSpectralWindowTable()
fill the Spectral Window table with the content of FREQUENCY
void fillMSMainTable(const String &MSFileName, Int &nField, Int &nSpW)
Fill the main table from the Primary group data.
Vector< Double > refVal_p
Definition: FitsIDItoMS.h:287
void convertKeywords()
Build part of the keywords of the itsCurRowTab.
Vector< Int > corrType_p
Definition: FitsIDItoMS.h:283
TableRecord & getKeywords()
Return the Table keywords (this is the same TableRecord used in any Table objects returned by this cl...
void updateTables(const String &tabName)
update the Polarization table
void fillFeedTable()
fill the Feed table with minimal info needed for synthesis processing
static Bool firstWeather
Definition: FitsIDItoMS.h:306
uInt itsNrMSKs
Buffer for storing the MSK&#39;s, MS-specific FITS keywords.
Definition: FitsIDItoMS.h:274
Bool handlePhaseCal()
store the information from the PHASE-CAL table in a calibration table
void fillFieldTable()
fill the Field table void fillFieldTable(Int nField);
ostream-like interface to creating log messages.
Definition: LogIO.h:167
static String array_p
Definition: FitsIDItoMS.h:288
TableRecord itsKwSet
Table keyword set.
Definition: FitsIDItoMS.h:260
const TableDesc & getDescriptor()
Get an appropriate TableDesc (this is the same TableDesc used to construct any Table objects returned...
MFrequency::Types freqsys_p
Definition: FitsIDItoMS.h:294
Block< Int > corrIndex_p
Definition: FitsIDItoMS.h:284
Table oldfullTable(const String &tabName)
Get the full table, using the supplied arguments to construct the table.
Vector< Double > refPix_p
Definition: FitsIDItoMS.h:287
Vector< Int > itsNelem
The number of elements for each column of the BinaryTableExtension.
Definition: FitsIDItoMS.h:254
Vector< String > itsMSKN
Definition: FitsIDItoMS.h:276
Vector< Int > nPixel_p
Definition: FitsIDItoMS.h:283
TableDesc itsTableDesc
Table descriptor for construction.
Definition: FitsIDItoMS.h:263
void fillRow()
Fill in each row as needed.
double Double
Definition: aipstype.h:55
Bool isfirstMain()
is this the first UV_DATA extension
Definition: FitsIDItoMS.h:228
static Bool firstSyscal
Definition: FitsIDItoMS.h:305
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
Definition: aipstype.h:42
Float itsVersion
The MS version.
Definition: FitsIDItoMS.h:269
Vector< Double > delta_p
Definition: FitsIDItoMS.h:287
Vector< String > itsMSKC
Definition: FitsIDItoMS.h:275
float Float
Definition: aipstype.h:54
Table type, subtype and further info.
Definition: TableInfo.h:130
const Table & thisRow()
Get a Table with a single row, the current row of the FITS table.
void fixEpochReferences()
fix up the EPOCH MEASURE_REFERENCE keywords
void convertMSKeywords()
Convert the MS-specific keywords in the FITS binary table.
const Bool False
Definition: aipstype.h:44
Vector< Bool > itsgotMSK
Definition: FitsIDItoMS.h:278
A hierarchical collection of named fields of various types.
Definition: TableRecord.h:182
void setupMeasurementSet(const String &MSFileName, Bool useTSM=True, Bool mainTbl=False, Bool addCorrMod=False, Bool addSyscal=False, Bool addWeather=False)
Set up the MeasurementSet, including StorageManagers and fixed columns.
A Table intended to hold astronomical data (a set of Measurements).
void fillAntennaTable()
Read a binary table extension of type ANTENNA and create an antenna table void fillAntennaTable(Bina...
static Vector< Double > effChBw
Definition: FitsIDItoMS.h:316
Bool fillFlagCmdTable()
fill the optional FlagCmd table with the content of FLAG
fixed-length sequential blocked FITS input
Definition: fitsio.h:156
static Double rdate
Definition: FitsIDItoMS.h:291
Float msVersion() const
Get the version of the archived MS.
Definition: FitsIDItoMS.h:219
Bool handleGainCurve()
store the information from the GAIN_CURVE table in a calibration table
Vector< Double > receptorAngle_p
Definition: FitsIDItoMS.h:293
Bool fillCorrelatorModelTable()
fill the optional Correlator Model table with the content of INTERFEROMETER_MODEL ...
A class to provide easy read-write access to MeasurementSet columns.
Definition: MSColumns.h:221
String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters.
Definition: String.h:223
Vector< Bool > itsIsArray
For each column: is it an array?
Definition: FitsIDItoMS.h:257
Define the structure of a Casacore table.
Definition: TableDesc.h:187
Matrix< Int > corrProduct_p
Definition: FitsIDItoMS.h:285
Bool handleModelComps()
store the information from the MODEL_COMPS table
static std::map< Int, Int > digiLevels
Definition: FitsIDItoMS.h:315
Types of known MFrequencies Warning: The order defines the order in the translation matrix FromTo in...
Definition: MFrequency.h:176
void fillObsTables()
Fill the Observation and ObsLog tables.
Bool fillWeatherTable()
fill the optional Weather table with the content of WEATHER
const Bool True
Definition: aipstype.h:43
unsigned int uInt
Definition: aipstype.h:51
Vector< String > coordType_p
Definition: FitsIDItoMS.h:286
#define casacore
&lt;X11/Intrinsic.h&gt; #defines true, false, casacore::Bool, and String.
Definition: X11Intrinsic.h:42