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Tim Cornwell and Kumar Golap
This chapter describes how to make and deconvolve images starting from a calibrated MeasurementSet. There is also some discussion of how to do self-calibration.
The major AIPS++ tools that you will need are:
In addition, you will need to use the Viewer to examine your images, and perhaps an MS tool to load and save MeasurementSets.
The User Reference Manual contains the primary documentation for all these tools and their functions.
To make an image, a reasonably well-calibrated MeasurementSet is required. You may either import calibrated data from another system or calibrate the data in AIPS++. See the Calibration chapter for more details on the latter.
If the dataset was calibrated in another system then you'll need to load it from a FITS file.
include 'ms.g' x := fitstoms('', 'PKS1331-09.UVFITS') # Convert from FITS x.summary() # Summarise to logger x.done() # Finished with tool
The tool for imaging and deconvolution is Imager. It has been designed to do everything that is required: gridding/degridding of visibility data, Fourier transforms, deconvolution using various methods, etc. A complete overview of the capabilities of Imager can be found in the Reference Manual.
There are two sorts of tool functions in Imager; passive and active. The passive functions like setimage, setdata etc. set the state of the Imager tool. Then, active functions such as makeimage, clean etc. act on the data according to the previously set state.
To use an Imager tool one must first construct it from a MeasurementSet and then configure it (set its ``state'') via its functions. When you are finished, you destroy the tool (which of course does not affect the actual MeasurementSet on disk).
include 'imager.g' imgr := imager('/home/data/') # Construct imgr.summary() # Summarize state of tool imgr.done() # Destroy
The summary function is always useful to summarize the current state of your Imager tool. You may find you have forgotten what functions you ran and need reminding what you state you have set.
To make an image from the visibilities one needs to select the part of the data from the MeasurementSet that is going to be used (e.g which pointing or channels or spectral window etc. that is going to be imaged). This is done with the Imager.setdata function. If you don't run this function, you get all of the data.
Here are some examples (refer to the Reference Manual for more details).
imgr.setdata(mode='channel', nchan=15, # Select 15 channels, second spwid=[2], fieldid=3) # spectral window and third field # imgr.setdata(mode='channel', nchan=256, step=2, # Select every second channel to make 256 spwid=[2], field=3) # imgr.setdata(mode='velocity', nchan=64, mstart='20km/s', # Select data in radio velocity space mstep='-100m/s', spwid=[2], fieldid=3); #Selecting data on velocity is valid for single spectral windows # imgr.setdata(mode='opticalvelocity', nchan=64, # Select data in optical velocity space mstart='20km/s', mstep='-100m/s'); # ### a more complex data selection with diferent number of channels and different spectral windows imgr.setdata(mode='channel', spwid=[2,3], start=[4,5], nchan=[10,12], step=[1,1]) ##We are selecting 10 and 12 channels from spectra windows 2 and 3 repectively\\##The channel selection start at channel 4 and 5 repectively from each spectral window
Other functions can also further reduce the data selected. For example, Imager.filter and Imager.uvrange.
Now we set the actual imaging parameters via the Imager.setimage function. This is a required function in Imager (in fact, the only one presently). This function is passive; it just sets state so that when you tell Imager to do something (like make an image), it knows what to do.
This function controls things like image size, cell size, spectral and polarization selection, sampling, phasecenter, and number of facets (for wide-field imaging). Images constructed afterwards (using e.g. the Imager.clean function) will have these parameters.
One important point to note is that the image size does NOT have to be a power of two. Just choose some reasonably composite even number close to the number that you want. Do not use a prime number since the Fourier Transform will then be very slow.
include 'measures.g' imgr.setimage(nx=600, ny=600, cellx='0.5arcsec', celly='0.5arcsec', fieldid=2, mode='channel', nchan=20, start=10);
In this example, the phase center is that of the specified field (source). In addition, each selected channel will be imaged as one channel of the output image.
include 'measures.g' phctr := dm.direction('J2000', '19h50m00', '50d00m00') # Use default Measures tool # imgr.setimage(nx=600, ny=600, cellx='0.5arcsec', celly='0.5arcsec', doshift=T, phasecenter=phctr, mode='mfs')
In this example, we specify the phase center explicitly and set doshift=T to indicate that the phase center must be taken from the phasecenter argument (Ed. note - the interface that specifies the phase center needs to be rationalized some).
Functions Imager.setdata and Imager.setimage both have arguments nchan, start and step. Function setdata is used to select channels. Function setimage is used to specify how many output channels the image will have, and how the input channels should be combined (averaging, gridding).
You should call function setdata first. After you have called this function, subsequent active Imager function calls only have available to them the data that you selected.
Note however, that when you call setimage, the specification of the channels is still in an absolute sense. Thus, if you set nchan=10, start=20 in setdata, and you wish to image all of these channels (let us say one image plane per channel), you must also set nchan=10, start=20 in function setimage.
You might think that you have already selected the 20 channels you want with setdata and therefore in function setimage setting start=1 would select the first of those 20 channels. This is not the way it works. If you asked for, say, channel 1 with function setimage when you did not select channel 1 with function setdata, that channel would be imaged but empty in the output image.
You use the channel selection parameters in function setimage to specify how the selected channels will be combined and how many output channels the image will have. Basically, there are two sorts of ways that you might like to use the channels that you have selected.
Firstly, in a multi-frequency synthesis image, all of the selected channels are gridded onto the uv plane to reduce band-width smearing (which would be incurred if you averaged the channels and then gridded). In this case, the step argument is not generally relevant; leave it at 1 if explicitly 'mfs' is used. For example:
imgr.setdata(mode='channel', nchan=32, start=10, step=1) imgr.setimage(mode='mfs', nchan=1, start=1, step=1) OR imgr.setdata(mode='channel', nchan=32, start=10, step=1) imgr.setimage(mode='channel', nchan=1, start=10, step=32)
Here we have selected 32 input channels, starting with channel 10, and gridded them together to form one output image plane. Using 'mfs' in setimage grids all data selected in setdata in one plane (nchan, start or step are ignored). One can achieve a similar thing in using 'channel' mode in setimage as done in the second case.
Secondly, when you make a spectral-line cube, you may wish to select/combine channels in a variety of ways according to the science you want to do. Here are some examples.
imgr.setdata(mode='channel', nchan=200, start=10, step=1) imgr.setimage(mode='channel', nchan=200, start=10, step=1)
This example selects 200 consecutive channels starting with channel 10. The image formed has one image plane for each selected channel.
imgr.setdata(mode='channel', nchan=200, start=10, step=5) imgr.setimage(mode='channel', nchan=200, start=10, step=5)
This example selects 200 channels by picking every fifth channel, starting with channel 10. The image formed has one image plane for each selected channel.
imgr.setdata(mode='channel', nchan=200, start=10, step=5) imgr.setimage(mode='channel', nchan=100, start=10, step=10)
This example selects 200 channels by picking every fifth channel, starting with channel 10. However, the image formed only has 100 channels. Each output image plane (channel) is formed by averaging 2 successively selected channels. Thus, we have selected channels 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. When we image, channels 10 and 15 are averaged to form output image channel 1. Channels 20 and 25 are averaged to form output channel 2 and so on.
Of course you could also use mode='mfs' when combining groups of channels if you want an output image of more than one channel. In this case the combination is done by gridding rather than averaging.
Now to an example when one wants to make a cube image from multiple sectral windows
imgr.setdata(mode='channel', spwid=[1,2,3], nchan=200, start=1, step=1) imgr.setdata(mode='channel', spwid=[1,2,3], nchan=150, start=1, step=4)In the above example we select 600 data channels from 3 spectral windows (200 from each spectral window). Then in the setimage step we make imager combine 4 channels to make one image channel.
myim.setdata(fieldid=[2], spwid=[1:2]) myim.setimage(nx=800, ny=800, cellx='0.5arcsec', celly='0.5arcsec', mode='velocity', nchan=30, mstart='-10km/s', mstep='1.8km/s', spwid=[1,2],fieldid=2)
In the above example we select all the data in spectral windows 1,2 for the field we are interested. Then we define that the image to be made in velocity values, here starting from -10km/s and having 30 channels which are separated by 1.8 km/s.
The above steps show how to set up your Imager tool as desiresd. In addition, before imaging one may wish to set some values in the MeasurementSet itself. This is necessary for visibility weighting. The visibility imaging weights are computed prior to the actual imaging and stored in a column of the MeasurementSet, ``IMAGING_WEIGHT''.
The first time an Imager tool is attached to a MeasurementSet it initializes the imaging weights to the natural weighting scheme. Thereafter, whatever weighting scheme you last used, is the one you will get if you don't explicitly run one of the weighting functions.
The values in IMAGING_WEIGHT column are set, changed, and examined by a number of functions.
imgr.weight(type='natural') # Natural weighting imgr.weight(type='uniform') # Uniform over entire field of view imgr.weight(type='uniform', npixels=300) # Uniform over specified size imgr.weight(type='briggs', rmode='norm', robust=0.5) # An example of Briggs weighting
imgr.filter(type='gaussian', bmaj='4.0arcsec', bmin='2.5arcsec', bpa='60deg')
In Imager, we have chosen separate out the calculation of the weighting from the gridding and Fourier transformation to give more control over this important step. Note that this also gives the ability to set the weights by hand using getcol and putcol functions of the table tool. For example, to replace the weights by their square root:
include 'table.g' t:=table('', readonly=F) wt:=t.getcol('IMAGING_WEIGHT') wt[wt>0.0] := sqrt(wt[wt>0.0]) t.putcol('IMAGING_WEIGHT') t.flush(); t.close()
Before performing such a step, one should close the imager and then construct it again afterwards.
WARNING: All the weighting schemes modify the MeasurementSet and thus are conserved even after destroying the Imager tool and may no longer be suitable for subsequent imaging. You can of course reset the weighting scheme with the weight function.
Now that your Imager tool and the MeasurementSet are set up, you can make an image.
Imagine we want to make an image over a field of view of 10 arcmin. The advise function will return the maximum pixel size required and number of pixels. If the number of facets required is larger than 1 then one needs a wide-field imaging algorithm as described in the wide-field chapter of Getting Results.
You might also like to make the point spread function.
imgr.makeimage(type='corrected', image='dirty.image') imgr.makeimage(type='psf', image='dirty.beam')
At this point, you are ready to deconvolve the point spread function (usually called the dirty beam) from the dirty image. The goal of this step is to correct the dirty image for the sidelobes in the point spread function, which arise from the limited Fourier plane coverage in your observation. You have two choices for the deconvolution: use the Deconvolver tool on the dirty image and point spread function or use the various deconvolution functions of Imager. In the latter, the dirty image and point spread function are recomputed as needed, whereas Deconvolver works with a fixed dirty image and point spread function. If you want to mosaic, or image wide- or multiple fields then you must use Imager.
The options for deconvolving are :
If you use a multi-scale algorithm, you should also set up the scale sizes via the Imager.setscales function.
The Pixon algorithm is available via an IDL library courtesy of the Pixon LLC. This means that you must have the library and IDL installed on your computer. The Pixon library is available free of charge for your personal scientific use direct from Pixon LLC. IDL is available commercially from RSI.
For all deconvolution approaches (except Pixons)a Componentmodel tool may be specified, in which case it is removed from the data prior to imaging. Thus the resulting deconvolved image does not include the flux modelled by the Componentmodel.
The deconvolution methods do not keep a list of CLEAN components in sequence. Instead the CLEAN components are immediately added to the model image. This allows interoperability of the CLEAN, MEM and NNLS algorithms as well the deconvolution functions in the Deconvolver tool. It also allows editing of the resulting images using the Image tool.
The deconvolution functions can return the residual and restored images, as well as the updated model image. In addition, there are Imager.residual and Imager.restore functions that also compute residual and restored images. The distinction is that in the former, the residual is that calculated by the deconvolution method at the end of iteration, whereas the latter returns the residual calculated by going back to the original visibility data (except for the cases of multi-field and wide-field algorithms).
imgr.clean(algorithm='clark', niter=2000, gain=0.2, model='model_2000', image='restored_2000', residual='residual_2000')
In the above example we run a Clark CLEAN deconvolution with Imager. 2000 CLEAN components with a gain of 0.2 are requested.
If the model image does not pre-exist it will be created and filled with the CLEAN delta function components found. If it does pre-exist (it may be non-empty (perhaps the result of a prior deconvolution) and its Fourier transform is first subracted. This is also how you would continue to CLEAN deeper from a prior run of clean, mem, or nnls.
Note that the model image is updated when this function finishes. So if it was non-empty on input, you should save a copy first, if you wish to preserve that model.
In deconvolution, one must often specify the region of the dirty image over which the sky brightness is expected to be non-zero. In CLEAN, possible components can only come from this region. Designation of regions to deconvolve is done via images of the same shape as the dirty image. The value of these mask images ranges from 0 to 1 (but usually we use 0 [no components] or 1 [allow components]). There are a number of ways of making such mask images.
The most powerful approach is probably to use Imager.regionmask, since regions have a number of advantages: they can be polygonal, they can be combined in various ways, they can be defined in world coordinates, and they can be saved to a table for later retrieval and use. The Regionmanager tool allows these and other operations on regions.
A compound region holding the union of lots of interactively specified simple (boxes or polygons) regions can be made via the Viewer. Please see the documentation in Viewerdisplaypanelviewer:vdpgui to see how to do this.
NNLS requires two such masks images : one for the region where flux is to be allowed and one for the region to be used as constraints. Typically the latter region will be bigger than the former. The product of the pixels in the two regions should not exceed about 5-10 million.
# Imagine you have a Region tool called 'r1' in Glish imgr.regionmask(mask='mask_image', region=r1) # Make mask image from region imgr.clean(algorithm='clark', niter=2000, gain=0.2, model='model_2000', image='restored_2000', residual='residual_2000', mask='mask_image') # Use it !
The wizard is no longer maintained
For a quick look at an image, one may wish to use the Imagerwizard function. This is built using various tools including Imager. It makes many decisions, such as cell size, automatically, and simplifies obtaining an initial imaging.
include 'imagerwizard.g' ok := imagerwizard('')
The wizard leads you step by step through the imaging process via interactive GUIs. It also writes a Glish script which you can then look at, edit and re-run if you wish.
A priori, survey, or model fitting information can provide the user with the basis for a component model of bright, unresolved or somewhat resolved, confusing sources. These sources can be removed from the visibilities prior to imaging mosaicing by setting them in the Imager.clean or Imager.mem functions. These arguments take a Componentlist table name.
However, these components are assumed to be small compared to the primary beam, and only the primary beam value at the center of a component is ever applied to the Gaussian component (i.e. a Gaussian component stays Gaussian after application of the primary beam, even if its wings extend beyond the primary beam pattern). Hence, errors will result if highly extended components are included in the component list. If your application requires a model with extended Gaussian components, for the time being you may want to turn the extended components into an image with the Image tool's Image.modify function.
When you are imaging only single fields (i.e. not mosaicing), as is relevant to this chapter, the Componentlist is not a true representation of the sky brightness. The values it holds must include the attenuation of the primary beam. This is because in single field mode, Imager makes no primary beam corrections of any form whatsoever.
If you have a Componentlist which is a true representation of the sky, you can apply a primary beam attenuation to it with the Imager.pb function.
imgr.make('empty') imgr.pb('empty', operation='apply', incomps='', outcomps='')
Note that you need the input image so that Imager knows what telescope you are using so that it can get the correct model. Alternatively, if you have used Imager.setvp to set a Voltage pattern from an external table, it would use that.
The Componentlists are specified by their disk file names. (the arguments are not Componentlist tools).
Delta function CLEAN algorithms, such as the Clark or Hogbom algorithms, must use a modest gain factor (traditionally 0.1) in order to image extended emission in a reasonable manner. Otherwise, emissions and sidelobes get confused and error striping can result.
Multi-scale CLEAN algorithms attempt to recognize that the emission in the sky usually comes on a variety of scale sizes; it decomposes the image into Gaussians of the specified scale sizes. This means it does not spend huge amounts of time CLEANing large extended sources pretending that they are really collections of delta functions.
Function Imager.setscales allows you to choose these scales, either with an automatic method (you say how many scales you want) or by direct specification of the scale sizes in pixels.
Multi-scale CLEAN does not suffer from the same problems as delta function CLEAN and can use a larger value of the gain factor, in the range of 0.4 and 0.8. Sometimes an oscillatory pattern will occur in the total cleaned flux with the peak residuals bouncing back and forth between positive and negative. If this occurs, try reducing the gain factor or try reducing the size of the largest scale.
The progress display for multi-scale CLEAN shows the flux and peak residuals for each cleaning scale. For any extended brightness distribution, there will be initially more flux on the large scales than on the small scales, and this will be reflected by much larger residuals on the large scales. Consequently, the flux is built up much more quickly by CLEANing on these large scales. However, in the early stages of deconvolution, we may never get anywhere close to the stated CLEANing threshold if we are dominated by extended flux. The exact manner in which the larger scales' residuals will be inflated depends upon the details of the brightness distribution.
imgr.setscales('nscales, nscales=3) # Specify number of scales imgr.setimage(nx=600, ny=600, cellx='0.5arcsec', celly='0.5arcsec', mode='mfs') imgr.clean(algorithm='msclean', # Deconvolve model='model', image='restored', niter=100, gain=0.3)
The imagermultiscale function provides a different sort of packaging of multi-scale algorithms and works on mosaicing or single field data.
Conceptually, the imagermultiscale() function offers a second order multi-scale method, or doing multi-scale CLEAN as the deconvolution kernel inside of a cascade of multi-resolution CLEANs each working on increasingly larger images with smaller pixels.
The multi-scale CLEAN algorithm addresses an essential problem in imaging: you often have emission on a wide range of scale sizes which must be imaged simultaneously. While it is vastly superior to delta-function CLEAN algorithms at reconstructing extended emission, it is not incredibly efficient as it seeks to deconvolve very large structures with very small pixels.
A simple scripting approach to multi-resolution imaging which overcomes this inefficiency is provided by the imagermultiscale function. The user provides a vector of image sizes and the corresponding pixel sizes, and the function performs a multi-scale CLEAN on the first image (with the largest pixels). When the first CLEAN stops, its model is regridded onto the second image size and is used as a starting model for the next round of Multi-Scale CLEANing. Of course, since the regridded model will have smaller pixels, it will be in error; but the large scale structure will be pretty well in place. So, each round of Multi-Scale CLEANing will concentrate on the small scale structure, though each will also be able to make larger scale adjustments as well.
If the imagermultiscale function is too restrictive for your needs, you are encouraged to pull it out of imager.g and edit your own function. For example, you might want to have some fine control over which channels to image. This function could also easily be converted to a multi-scale MEM function.
include 'imager.g' # ok := imagermultiscale(msname='', imsizes=[128, 256, 512], cellsizes=[16,8,4], scales=[0, 5, 15], nitermult=0.15, niterpower=1.2, fields=[2], centerfield=[2], spwid=[1])
Wide-field imaging and mosaicing are covered in separate chapters of this document.
Sometimes, the lack of total-power data in an interferometric observation (single- or multi-field) can result in image defects on the size scale of the interferometer baselines. For example, in a maximum entropy algorithm with positivity constraint, the ``negative bowl'' will manifest itself in the model brightness distribution by a flat region of near zero emission surrounded by a spurious positive ``splash'' around the bowl; the ``splash'' artifact sometimes has small scale structure.
Currently, the only method available in Imager to combine total power measurements with interferometer data is via a feathering technique.
Since feathering is an intrinsically post-deconvolution method, it cannot help such a case. However, there are two ways to help out the deconvolution algorithms. First, convert the single dish image to the same image grid as the interferometric mosaic by using the Image.regrid function. Then either rescale or deconvolve the image into units of Janskys per pixel. This image can be used as a prior image in maximum entropy or maximum emptiness and will prevent small scale image artifacts due to the lack of total power data. However the prior image is not elevated to the level of a hard constraint, so a subsequent pass of the interferometer image and the single dish image through the Imager.feather function will ensure that the large scale structure in the final image is consistent with the single dish image.
imgr.feather(image='feathered.image', # Specify the single dish highres='casa.vlaonly', # voltage pattern via lowres='', # a table usedefaultvp=F, vptable='sd.vptable');
Self-calibration is the process of using a model of the source to improve the calibration of the data. One makes an initial model using perhaps componentmodels or a deconvolved image. This is then used to predict the visibilities, and the antenna gains are derived by a least squares fit between the observed and modelled visibilities. Once the antenna gains thus derived have been corrected, the model may be rederived and thus improved. This process is iterated until a satisfactory improvement has been acheived.
In AIPS++ this process is done with an Imager tool and a Calibrater tool working together.
The steps are:
This process (steps 3 onwards) can be repeated until the image stops improving. Usually it is a good idea to start with phase-only solutions (controlled in Calibrater.setsolve) and then allow amplitude solutions after the phase-only solutions have ceased improving.
The types of solution allowed are:
More details may be found in the Calibrater documentation.
Diagnosis of the success of the self-calibration is ultimately judged by the improvement in image quality (measured from the off-source noise level). One may also expect that the rms errors per time interval reported by Calibrater.solve will decrease, and that the residual visibility as displayed by Imager:plotvis will diminish. In addition, it is also advisable to examine the gain solutions using Calibrater.plotcal. These should be small if the initial calibration was of good quality.
include 'imager.g' include 'os.g' # imgr := imager('') # Construct # imgr.setdata(mode='channel', nchan=15, start=1, # Select data (15 channels, 1 field) fieldid=3) # imgr.setimage(nx=512, ny=512, cellx='2arcsec', # Set image parameters - grids celly='2arcsec', mode='mfs') # all selected channels into 1 # imgr.clean(algorithm='clark', niter=10000, # CLEAN 10000 components model='model', image='restored', residual='residual') # dos.copy ('residual', 'residual_10000') # Save copies dos.copy ('restored', 'restored_10000') # imgr.clean(algorithm='clark', niter=5000, # Restart and CLEAN another model='model', image='restored', # 5000 components. Updates residual='residual') # images # rest1 := image('restored_10000') # Display restored images rest1.view() rest2 := image('restored') rest2.view() # resid1 := image('residual_10000') # Compare statistics of resid1.statistics() # residual images resid2 := image('residual') resid2.statistics()
The following script demonstrate of how we can image multiple regions of the sky simultaneously (in AIPS this is implemented in task MX). This is a technique used to deal with a source which is outside the main field of view being imaged but whose sidelobes are seen in the image we want to make. It is also sometimes useful to remove some kinds of interference which tend to appear as a source at the pole.
It is assumed in this script that there is only one fieldid (i.e. one source).
imgr:=imager('') # Construct # imgr.setdata(mode='channel', nchan=25, # Select data: 25 channels, start=4, step=1, spwid=[1,2]) # 2 spectral windows. # mydir:=dm.direction('J2000', '19h58m49', '40d45m29') # Direction of outlier (CygnusA) imgr.setimage(nx=200, ny=200, # Set image parameters for outlier cellx='19arcsec',celly='19arcsec', doshift=T, phasecenter=mydir, mode='mfs', spwid=[1,2]) imgr.make('cygA') # Make empty image for outlier # # imgr.setimage(nx=600, ny=600, # Set image parameters cellx='19arcsec', celly='19arcsec', # for main field direction spwid=[1,2]) imgr.make('mainfield') # Make empty image for main field # imgr.uvrange(uvmin=10, uvmax=5000) # Select uv range imgr.weight(type='briggs', rmode='norm', # Weighting robust=0.0, npixels=300) imgr.clean(algorithm='mfclark', # Deconvolve niter=1000, gain=0.05, model="mainfield cygA", # Vector of strings image="mainfield.restored cygA.restored", residual="mainfield.residual cygA.residual") #
Note that the combination of Imager.setimage and Imager.make can be used as many times as is necessary to define all the outlier fields.
We had to explicitly make the empty model images before passing them to Imager.clean. Otherwise Imager would recognize only the last call to Imager.setimage and would thus fail to handle the multiple fields.
In the running of the Imager.clean function we used the Clark algorithm. In addition, we must specify algorithm='mfclark' because we are making a multi-field image.
The following is an example of making a spectral-line image. We demonstrate how Imager.setdata and Imager.setimage can be used to average data channels to make one of the spectral-line image channels.
The MeasurementSet is created from a FITS file that comes with the AIPS++ installation.
include 'imager.g' include 'ms.g' include 'sysinfo.g' # aipsroot:=sysinfo().root() fitsfile:=spaste(aipsroot, '/data/demo/BLLAC.fits') myms := fitstoms('', fitsfile) # Generate MeasurementSet myms.summary() myms.done() # imgr:=imager('') # Construct Imager # imgr.setdata(mode='channel', nchan=40, start=4, # Select data: 40 channels step=1, spwid=[1]) # from the first spectral window # imgr.setimage(nx=600, ny=600, # Set imaging parameters. We cellx='19arcsec', celly='19arcsec', # output 20 channels from the 40 doshift=F, spwid=[1], mode='channel', # by combining pairs of channels nchan=20, start=4, step=2 ) # imgr.weight(type='uniform') # Weighting # imgr.clean(algorithm='clark', niter=1000, gain=0.05, # Deconvolve model='model', image='restored', residual='residual') # imgr.done()
Note that if the channel images were needed in the velocity domain, then argument mode in both functions Imager.setdata and Imager.setimage must be put to velocity and instead of the start and step parameters, use the mstart and mstep parameters.
In this example we assume we have bright point sources and low level broad scale structures to image. It is well known that CLEAN does not do well with large scale structures and that MEM does not do well with bright compact sources in presence of large scale structures. We can CLEAN on the bright point sources followed by MEM on the low level structures. What follows is an example of how to do that.
imgr:=imager('') imgr.setimage(nx=600, ny=600, cellx='2arcsec', celly='2arcsec', doshift=F, spwid=[1]) # # Use clean with a mask image around the bright point sources # to restrict clean to deconvolve these sources only. Alternatively, # if the point sources are brightest, just CLEAN a little bit # to remove the bulk of them # imgr.clean(algorithm='clark', niter=1000, gain=0.1, model='cleanmodel', mask='pointsource.mask', image='clean.restored', residual='clean.residual') # # Now run MEM on the data. Note that we use the model image that we # have got from clean, so that the point sources will be subtracted # from the visibilities and MEM will deconvolve the residual # imgr.mem(model='cleanmodel', niter=40, sigma='0.001Jy', image='final.restored', residual='final.residual') # imgr.done()
The Deconvolver tool has functions which have very similar meanings to to those in Imager. However, no MeasurementSet is used with the Deconvolver; it is based on image plane deconvolution only. It needs a point spread function and a dirty image.
deco := deconvolver('3C273XC1.dirty', '3C273XC1.psf') deco.setscales(scalemethod='uservector', # Scales of delta function, uservector=[0, 3, 10]) # 3 and 10 pixels wide # deco.clean(algorithm='msclean', # deconvolve model='3C273XC1.clean', niter=100, gain=0.3) deco.done()
Note that it is not very useful to use CLEAN components that are wider than the largest structure in the image.
The following is a script of a multi step CLEAN and self-calibration. We use here a test MeasurementSet that is in the AIPS++ system.
include 'imager.g'; include 'calibrater.g'; include 'os.g' # imagermaketestms(msfile='') # Make MS imgr:=imager(filename='') # Construct Imager tool imgr.summary() imgr.setdata(mode="channel" , nchan=1, start=1, step=1, # Data selection spwid=1, fieldid=1); imgr.setimage(nx=600, ny=600, cellx='0.6arcsec', # Set image parameters celly='0.6arcsec', stokes="I" ) imgr.uvrange(uvmin=1.0, uvmax=500000); # dos.remove('model0') dos.remove('restored0') dos.remove('residual0') # imgr.clean(algorithm="hogbom" , niter=1000, # Deconvolve 1000 model="model0" , fixed=F, image="restored0" , residual="residual0") # dos.remove('model0_5000') dos.remove('restored0_5000') dos.remove('residual0_5000') imgr.clean(algorithm="hogbom" , niter=5000, # Deconvolve model="model0_5000" , fixed=F, image="restored0_5000" , residual="residual0_5000") # cal := calibrater(filename="") # Construct Calibrater tool cal.setsolve(type="G" , t=100, preavg=0.0, # Set selfcal solution parameters phaseonly=T, refant=-1, # phaseonly table="selfcal.gcal",append=F); # We want to make the model visibilities of the 1000 component model # above, we use imager.ft for that. The # previously created Calibrater tool fits the model visibilities with # the observed ones and hence calculates the necessary gains to make # the best fit. The solution is applied. ok := imgr.ft( model="model0", complist=''); cal.solve(); cal.setapply(type="G" , t=0.0, table="selfcal.gcal", # Set parameters for application of select=''); # the calibration cal.correct(); cal.plotcal(plottype="PHASE", tablename="selfcal.gcal" , # Inspect solution antennas=[], fields=[], polarization=1, spwids=[], timeslot=1, multiplot=T, nx=3, ny=3) # dos.remove('model1') dos.remove('restored1') dos.remove('residual1') imgr.clean(algorithm="hogbom" , niter=2000, # Deconvolve 2000 model="model1" , fixed=F, image="restored1" , residual="residual1") cal.setsolve(type="G" , t=30, # Setup for phase and amplitude preavg=0.0, phaseonly=F, refant=-1, table="selcal.gcal" , append=F); # cal.reset(apply=T,solve=F) # donot apply while solving cal.solve(caltool=cal, model="model1") # Solve and apply for a gain selfcal cal.setapply(type="G" , t=0.0, table="selfcal.gcal", # Set parameters for application of select=''); # the calibration cal.correct(); # dos.remove('model2') dos.remove('restored2') dos.remove('residual2') imgr.clean(algorithm="hogbom" , niter=5000, # Final deconvolution, 5000 model="model2" , fixed=F, image="restored2" , residual="residual2") # r := drm.quarter() r0_1000 := image('restored0') r0_5000 := image('restored0_5000') r1_2000 := image('restored1') r2_5000 := image('restored2') # r0_1000.view(region=r, includepix=[-.003,.003]) r0_5000.view(region=r, includepix=[-.003,.003]) r1_2000.view(region=r, includepix=[-.003,.003]) r2_5000.view(region=r, includepix=[-.003,.003])